Chapter 17

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" Here are your keys Miss.Krause, enjoy your new home!" The realtor dangled my house keys infront of my face and I quickly grabbed them.

" Thank you sir! Have a great day." I flashed him my biggest smile, picked up my bag and charged for my front door.

I skipped every second step to get to the front door, fumbling out of excitment to get myself inside.

I squealed to myself as I finally got inside, shutting the door behind me and tossing my bag beside me, I errupted into squeals, jumping around in excitement.

My excitement got interuppted when my phone rang, and the caller ID was a beautiful ( sarcasm) picture of my best friend Brooke.

" Hey girlie!"

" OMG! DId you get possession of your house!?"

" YES!"


" Brooke, Manuel is coming-" But she hung up, and I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

I decided to call Manuel instead.

" Hello?" He answered

" Hey Manu, it's Isabella."

" Hey babe, hows the new house! You left before I could feed you breakfast."

" I know I was just so anxious to get the house, and it is so nice! I still need to explore more and see how my interior designer did."

" Awesome! What time can I come over?"

" How about 4pm? Also, Brooke sort of invited herself."

" Oh the red head?"

" Yes ahha"

" That's fine, I can invite another guy if you want?"

" Sure! Who?"

" I'll surprise you!"

" If it's someone off your team it better not be my brother."

"It's not, don't worry, see you tonight!"

" Bye Manu!" 

I hung up, and rolled my eyes again. What a group of people I decide to make my friends.

But if everyone was coming over for dinner, I better shower and start making it!

Sorry for such a late/short update! I've been so busy with my personal life its crazy, but don't give up on this story it is still going to be updated by me, hopefully more requently now!!!!!! Have a good night/day xoxo

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