Chapter 29

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"You are crazy to think of coming here... paparazzi are everywhere out there trying to keep updated on this situation, which they seem pretty good at." 

His tone went angry when referencing how good the paparazzi were at their job, obviously hinting at the article that made him leave in the first place. 

"Look, I came here to talk to you about everything," before I could finish my sentence, a familiar face came trotting down the stairs.

"Izzy! Oh my god! I am so glad to see you!" Mats face lit up and he grabbed me into a tight hug, "I am so glad to see you're safe"

We gave each other a quick peck on the cheek and he continued to ask questions.

"What happen?"

"He broke in and went crazy, he was chasing me around with a knife and I ended up knocking him out with a lamp, but I had to get a few stitches in my leg because he did get me with the knife, a police officer had to pull it out my leg when they arrived."

The look on his face was pure horror, he grabbed my hand into his, "nothing like this will ever happen again, none of us will let it. Besides, you seem pretty strong enough to handle situations like that on your own," he grinned. 

"Thanks, Mats." 

"Anyways, I bet you two have a lot to talk about, I am going to be upstairs packing for Russia if you need anything," he smiled before returning back upstairs. 

I turned my attention back to Manu, I felt better talking to Mats, he was a good friend of Thomas and I grew up with him like another brother in my life. 

Manu's eyes drifted up from looking down at where I was holding my injured leg, I felt the sadness radiate off of him like the sun.I took his hand in mine and guided him to the living room where we sat down. He still seemed at lost for words, so I gathered the strength I found to talk to Thomas last night, and knew I had to take the lead.

"So, lets start by talking about yesterday at the hospital. I am sorry for the way Thomas acted, and the way I acted. I talked to him last night and he felt bad for the way he attacked you, but I know you probably already talked to him today at practice."

He nodded his head in agreement.

"The police told me that Jake woke up and is in custody. I went down to the police department today to verify that it was him who entered my home, and it seems like he will be locked away for life now. His court date is in a few weeks, by then you'll already be in Russia, and the officers told me I didn't have to attend if I didn't want to. I got a few stitches in my leg right here," I guided his hand down to my thigh, and he lightly brushed his fingers across my leg.

"Does it hurt?" He asked, not looking away from my leg, even though it was covered by my jeans.

"Not right now, no. It barely hurts compared to a broken bone like last time he attacked."

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?"


He let out a deep sigh, and I knew it was his time to talk.

"Iz, I am so sorry." He said. He finally looked up from my leg and there were tears in his eyes. I have never seen Manu cry in my life. 

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Manu."

" I do... I shouldn't have helped you. The last reaction I should've had to finding out that he was roaming the streets was leaving you, I left you vulnerable, I let you get hurt!" His voice cracked, the tears now streaming down his face. 

I couldn't help but cry myself.

"I swear on my life that it is not your fault,  I don't blame you for walking out, I should have told you what was going on. We could've prevented this whole incident from happening if I was just honest with you, but I could barely bring myself to be honest with myself"

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, both knowing our own arguments were partially right, but that nothing was going to fix what happened.

"We have to move, again." I let out a laugh, trying to break the silence. 

He let out a laugh, knowing that that was the last thing either of us wanted to do.

"The police have recommended a security system for us to install, and recommended we move to a neighbourhood like Mats and Thomas'." 

He nodded, "I guess we will have to start looking for another house."

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