Chapter 5

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" When my dad comes to visit he leaves his clothes here... Maybe I can find you something to wear, he's about your height." I said, showing Manuel into my bedroom, flicking the light on.

" Oh shit... I don't remember it being this messy." I said, biting my lip.

I had dirty and clean clothes thrown across my room, and my blue and white bedspread was lying on the ground beside my queen sized bed. My cream coloured walls were covered in posters of famous skiiers, a framed photo of my brother Thomas and I, a framed photo of my mother, father and myself.

Across the far back wall was my dresser, with random jewelry, sweat bands and makeup scattered on top. Beside that hung my very first pair of skis, which were bright red and were up to my knees.

" Don't mind the mess, just... Step over it all." I said, jumping towards my dresser.

" I'll just wait here." Said Manuel behind me, awkwardly.

I arrived at my dresser and started filing through my dad's clothes before setting on a pair of red and black plaid pyjama pants.

" Will these do?" I said, throwing the pants at Manuel.

" They will do perfectly." He said, hanging the pants from his hips, inspecting their size.

"Great, now hopefully I can find a shirt..." I started searching again.

" Oh I don't wear a shirt to bed, that's okay." He said.

" Oh obviously! Sorry I forget what it's like to have guys over. " I admitted, standing up and making my way back to the door.

" Want me to set up the shower for you?"

" Please."

Manuel stalked me into the bathroom, where I gave him a towel.

" I'll be putting sheets on the couch if you need me." I said, before leaving Manuel alone in the bathroom.

I shutter when I re-entered my bedroom, about to change into my own pyjamas.

I can't believe he was staying the night; in my house.

I kicked off my skinny jeans and replaced them with baggy pink pjyama pants that had white hearts scattered around it. I pulled off my red shirt and bra and slipped on an extremely oversized shirt with a picture of a horse on it.

My barefeet padded out of my bedroom, and I retrieved the sheets from the linen closet beside the bathroom. When I was there, I heard the shower running from Manuel.

I shook all thoughts of what he looks like naked in a shower out of my head, and focused on making up the bed.

By the time I finally layed the extra wool blanket at the end of the couch, Manuel emerged from the shower. I couldn't help but stare as his body was merged with the cloud of steam that raced him out the door. He was wearing my dad's pants, barefeet, and his bare chest was glistening from the warmth of the bathroom. His blonde hair was wet, and brushed in different directions.

" Your shampoo smells super good, I want to buy some for myself now." He said, folding his practice kit that he had been wearing before the shower.

" Mhm..." I mumbled, still breathless over his appearance.

" Nice pj's," He laughed, " I like the horse, nice touch."

I immedaitely felt like a loser in what I was wearing compared to him, I felt like a ninth grader who wore her clothes from 4 years prior.

" Thomas gave it to me a few years ago." I laughed with him.

Manuel finally came and sat beside me on the couch and we just sat in silence.

" Would you like anything?" I asked.

" No I'm fine..." He replied.

" Well... I'm kind of tired, I might crash. If you need anything you know where my room is." I finally gave up on our conversation going any further, so I started walking towards my bedroom.

" Isabella? Thanks again for letting me stay the night." He smiled at me.

" No problem, my place is always open if you need it." I smiled at him, before disspearing into my bedroom.

It took me forever to fall asleep. Knowing Manuel was sleeping just outside my door, kept me ansty for hours. When I finally did fall alseep, I dreamed of when I woke up and made him breakfast.

But, little did I know I would be seeing him once more before sunrise.

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