Chapter 8

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" So Manuel ended up staying the night?" Jake asked before stuffing his face with a mouthful of spaghetti.

" Yes, but we just...slept." I replied.

I was over at Jake's small apartment having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

" Just slept eh?" He shot me a wink.

" Yes! We just slept, honestly!" I laughed, playing with the spaghetti with my fork, I wasn't hungry. I was just exhausted from how busy today was and wanted to go to bed.

" Good, becuase you shouldn't date him." He suddenly became serious.

" Wha-!" I practically spit out my water that I started drinking.

" A celebrity dating another celebrity...Never works." He defended.

" Not all of them! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie seem to be doing just perfect."

" But do you not think it adds alot of different fights that just normal couples wouldn't have?"

Normal Couples.

" Are you saying Manuel and I aren't normal?"

" That's not what I mean't."

" Then please, tell me what you did mean."

" It's just that- you should date someone who isn't famous who can travel with you, see you often. Not leave everyday and not see eachother for days-weeks even! Manuel is too busy for you."

" If we really did like eachother, we would find time for eachother and make it work, okay? Who are you to judge!? You aren't famous, you don't understand!" I quickly stood up.

" Isabella, where are you going?" His voice became desperate as he stalked me to the door.

" I'm leaving. Call me when you want to have a real conversation." I said, and left with a loud slamming of his wooden door.

" Wow he really said that!?" Brooke said, her hyper voice gave me a headache as my head leaned against the window of the taxi,driving back to my penthouse.

" Yes! So I slammed the door in his face."

" Good. He's a sketch-fest."

" Manuel said the same thing, I don't think he is."

" Manuel is right! Please be careful around him!"

" Brooke I'm fine! What is he going to do? Kill me!?" I joked.

" Maybe, you never know."

" Oh my god Brooke! Whatever, I'm home now. We'll talk later." I hung up on her, desperate to talk to someone with a little bit of sense.

I paid the taxi driver, and hopped out. It was pitch-black outside, so I was guessing where the stairs were, since my eyes hadn't yet adjusted.

My guess was accurate, and I made it successfully up the stairs through the front doors. Once again, my eyes had to adjust to the shining lights of the grande enterance.

I was greeted by alot of " good evenings" from employees and random people who lived throughout my building.

" I like your sweater!" Said a little girl approaching me with 2 braids peaking out from under her ears.

" You really like it?" I said, bending down to her level.

She nodded in reply.

" Well, you can have it!" I unzipped the sweater of a cat on ski's and handed it to the little girl.

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