Chapter 14

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I anxiously spun my new ring around my finger. Little did Thomas know that when he bought this ring I would be using it as a worry ring.

I stood in the bathroom that was attached to the spare bedroom I was currently sleeping in. Lisa had been surrounding me for the past hour doing my hair, makeup and picking out what I was wearing.

" I am not wearing that." I disaproved the skin tight black dress she was holding.

" Why?"

" Becuase I'm just touring houses, not doing a world tour!"

"Fine...." She stormed back to my suitcases filled with all my clothing taken from my apartment.

She soon returned holding a white blouse with a bow on the chest, a black pencil skirt and black stilletos.

" How about this?" She asked.

" That could work..."

"Yay!" She cheered, laying the outfit on the bed behind her.

" I don't understand why I have to dress nicely though."

" This is your first offical "public" appearance since your accident. You have to look like you have courage and that you are still the same person."

" And I will do that by having smokey eye shadow, deep red lipstick, and curly hair?" I asked, inspecting myself in the mirror.

"Yes! It is also fall so you have to cordinate your makeup colours with the seasons."

" That is a thing?"

" Hell yeah!"

I laughed at my obvious stupidity and changed into my chosen outfit.

I held the black stilletos and my phone in one hand and slowly decended the staircase to Lisa waiting at the bottom by the door.

" Your ride is here." She said, peering out the window.

" Awesome, can you help me put on my shoes?" I asked, sitting on the last step on the staircase.

"Sure thing!" She bend down and slid on both shoes, and pulling me up.

"Go pick out the nicest place!" She said before opening the door for me.

" Thank you! " I said, taking a few steps before my walking got more normal in my new shoes.

" Did you take your medication this morning?" She called behind me.

" Ja!" I called behind me as I decended the front porch stairs.

" Take good care of your cast Isabella!"

" Okay mom!!!" I joked before quickly glancing down at my bright blue cast hugging my right wrist.

I had big sunglasses on my eyes, protecting them from the 10 am sunlight.

I slowly strutted towards the black car at the end of the driveway. Across the street I could already see several papparrazzi hiding in bushes snapping pictures of me, and I tried my best to ignore them.

I slid into the car, and pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head.

"Bill!" I exclaimed, quickly engulfing my manager into a side hug.

" Isabella! You look great!"

" Lisa dressed me today..."

" It will put out a postive image for you today, that's for sure!"

"Am I doing any interviews today?"

" Well, since you are so prepared for today, maybe... Are you okay with that?"

" Ja, I feel like I haven't talked to the public in a long time."

I glanced out the tinted window and thought about my lovely fans. They were probably worried to sickness over me, which made me feel bad.

" So we are looking at 3 houses today, hopefully one will impress you."

" I'm not that hard to impress, Bill."

" You're dating Manuel Neuer, of course you're not that hard to impress!"

I playfully slapped his shoulder.

" Hey!!" I laughed.

" I'm only kidding, he's a lovely man. And by what I notice, most people are very happy of this relationship."


"Yes! A lot of fellow athletes have even commented on how cute you two are together."

" Like who?"

" You got a tweet from all of the german national team players, all of bayern munich players, some of your skiiing pals, Christiano Ronaldo and even Messi!"

" Messi tweeted about Manuel and I?"

" Yes!"

" OMG!!!!" I suddenly fangirled, freaking over the best football player directly tweeting me.

" Calm down Isabella!"

" Sorry sorry! But I'm glad everyone is approving Manuel and I, I knew it was either going to go very well or very poorly. "

" You will obviously still have people oppose the relationship but just ignore them."

"Just like how Jacob opposed it." I said, not evening know I said it and quickly covering my mouth after I did.

" Isabella. Do not even say that, nothing like that will ever happen to you again."

"I'm sorry, it slipped!"

But it was so, so true.

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