Chapter 9

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Guys im actually really sad about this whole Mesut/Mandy thing, whether its true or not idk.


"Isabella? ISABELLA!?" I shouted back at the phone, but the line went dead.

I rolled off the bed, but my legs moved too fast for my mind, and I tripped over the corner of Thomas' bed.

" Manuel what the hell is going on?" Thomas immediately stood up, lifting me to my feet.

" Isa-Isab- is kidnapped." I was barely able to say the words, before Thomas dragged my ass out of the hotel room.

I sat in the airport, listening to Thomas speak on the phone with Jogi, explaining the situation.

" Yes, kidnapped. We don't know for sure. Yes, Manuel called the police on the way to the airport. Depending on the situation, I may not be able to come to the game tomorrow. She's my sister! Thank you, goodnight." Thomas hung up the phone and exhaled loudly.

" I can't believe this is happening." He said, his knees jittering with fear.

I couldn't even bring myself to reply.

She was getting hurt, and god knows what else, and I was stuck in Moscow, like an idiot, listening to her walk in to her apartment with a physopath in her livingroom.

Tears welled up in my eyes, just thinking about her, how I wasn't there to save her made me hate myself.

" Manu, it isn't your fault." Thomas quickly recognized my stress, putting his arm around my shoulder.

" Yes it is, I should've stayed back, or brought her here with us. This isn't fair!"

" No matter if you had known her or not, this would've happen, it was only a matter of time. Whoever this is has obviously been waiting a long time to do this."

" That doesn't make it any better."

" I know. But I know my sister, and she can put up a solid fight."

That comment gave me the slightest bit of faith that maybe, just maybe, Isabella would be okay.


The first thing I heard was the steady beeping of my heartbeat on the IV monitor beside me.

Then the pain came, in my head, right side and right arm.

I didn't dare open my eyes, but I knew I had to at one point.

As soon as I opened them, I easily regretted it.

I was faced with the most terrible sight; my brother Thomas, on my right, holding my hand, his head down on the hospital bed. On my right was Manuel, tear-stained face, and his glossy red eyes staring at me.

"Isabella." He whispered, and a great big grin grew on his face.

" Manuel, what are you doing here?" My voice barely came out as a whisper.

" We flew here as soon as the line went dead on my phone."

"Oh. Thomas is going to kill me." I cracked, looking at my sleeping brother.

" No he isn't, he just misses you."

" Should I wake him?"

" No, he's been up for 12 hours, he needs this sleep."

" How much have you gotten?"

" It doesn't matter."


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