Chapter 1 ~ Boy And Girl, Normal People In The World

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A/N: i hope you guys like this one(: like I said I'm going to be updating this and Dance With Me at the same time(: xx

Christmas 1999

Mullingar, West Meath, Ireland

~Snow falls from the sky in intricate snowflakes. They fall into a small girl’s black hair, making them look like the stars in the sky. A boy with brown hair watches her as she spins in the snow. He’s fascinated by what she’s doing.

He walks over to her and says, “What are you doing?”

The girl stops spinning and latches her bright green eyes onto his blue ones. “I’m dancing in the snow.”

“Why?” the boy asks.

“Because,” she answers.

“Because why?” he asks.

“Because, because,” she answers in a true childlike fashion.

“That’s not an answer,” the boy pouts folding his arms over his chest, hating when his mother says the same thing.

The girl laughs and says, “Well I just like the snow. It’s pretty.”

“What’s your name?” the boy asks.

“Bailey,” the girl smiles, her green eyes sparkling as more snow falls into her hair. “What’s yours?”

“Niall,” the boy smiles.

“Would you dance with me Niall?” the girl asks holding her hand out, innocent as always, not expecting love to blossom, just innocently asking her new friend to dance with her.

“Sure,” the boy smiles, crooked teeth showing as he innocently takes her hand, not expecting anything to happen, just wanting to enjoy time with this new friend.

They spin together and laugh and soon fall into a pile of snow, faces red and out of breath as snow falls on their faces.

“What do you like about the snow Bailey?” the boy asks her.

“I like that every snowflake is different,” she answers. “No two are the same, just like every person. What about you?”

“The fact I can make snowballs and throw them at people,” he answers her, making her laugh as she puts a hand over her mouth.

“Bailey Jade McCallahan!” a woman’s voice calls. “Get back in here before you catch cold!”

“Yes mum!” the girl answers obediently. “Bye Niall.”

“Bye,” the boy says.

“You should come over tomorrow,” she says as she skips up to her mum. “I like you.”

She doesn’t mean it in a “more than a friend” way. She likes this boy because he’s the first friend she’s made since she moved there a month ago. She’s been alone at recess and lunch, sitting with her nose in a book.

The boy smiles. “Sure,” he says before he begins to walk home.

“Who was that?” the girl’s mum asks her.

“That’s Niall,” she answers with a smile. “He’s my new friend.” ~

July 2004

Mullingar, West Meath, Ireland

~The hot sun beats down on the 10 boys and girls in the backyard at the black haired girl’s house. It’s her 10th birthday and she’s having a pool party.

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