Chapter 2 ~ Strangeness In The Boy's Heart

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June 2012

“Bailey!” I heard the familiar Irish accent yell as I walked off the plane and to the gate.

I looked over and saw Niall grinning broadly and waving me over. I smiled and ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m good,” I smiled. “How are you Mr. Superstar?”

He laughed and said, “Good. Oh these are the lads. Liam,” he gestured to a boy with kind brown eyes and a small amount of fuzz on his head. “Zayn.” A tan boy with black hair smiled at me. “Louis.”

“Hi!” Louis said excitedly pulling me into a hug, sea green eyes sparkling with excitement.

“And Harry,” Niall concluded as a boy with brown curls and bright green eyes smiled at me.

“Hi,” I smiled. “I’m Bailey.”

We walked out to where they had a car and a mess of fans waiting for them, screaming their names and crying and waving.

“Niall! Niall will you marry me?!”

“Zayn just look this way for like two seconds it will make my life!”

“Just sign right here really quick! Please Liam!”

“Louis can I have a hug?”

“Harry just let me love you!”

“Oh my God is it like this everywhere?”  I asked as we got into the car and began to drive away.

“Yeah that’s what I meant when I said we really can’t go anywhere,” Niall laughed.

“Well that sucks. It’s good they like you though,” I answered.

“Perrie said she and the girls got mobbed at the mall,” Zayn said. “They’re going to be late.”

“Perrie is so sweet,” I said. “I talk to her on Twitter all the time. She said she can’t wait to see me in person.”

“She can’t,” Zayn smiled. “It’s practically all she’s talked about for a week.”

“Yeah?” Harry asked. “Well it’s all Niall’s been talking about for a month.”

“She’s my best friend what do you expect!” Niall said as I laughed and threw my arm around him.

“Love you too Nialler,” I said.

I had been best friends with Niall since we were 5. He’d grown up down the street from me and we’d been in classes together every year until he left for X Factor. I’d cheered him on backstage at his audition and cried with him when he didn’t make it. I hadn’t met the boys before because every time either Niall or I were free, the other wasn’t.

Niall and I were each other’s rock. He knew all my secrets and I knew all of his. We were practically brother and sister. He’d been there for me when I had all my breakdowns from when I broke up with my boyfriends. Niall always responded in the same way: give me enough food to eat my feelings.

Niall always knew exactly how I was feeling just by looking at me. He’d look at my green eyes and know if I was sad or happy. He’d look at my jet black hair too. If it’s up, pissed or depressed. If it’s down, I’m in a good mood. And then he’d look at my clothes. Sweats, I’m pissed or moody. Leggings or jeans, I’m happy. It was easy for him and I could read him the same way.

We pulled up to one of their flats and walked inside. Oh this was definitely Niall’s. There were things all around the living room that screamed “Ireland.”

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