Chapter 30 ~ Diagnosis: Boy's Broken Heart

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August 2013

Niall’s P.O.V.

“Now Niall tell us a little bit about Bailey,” Kevin, the interviewer, said leaning forward a little in interest. “It’s been a while since we’ve heard about her.”

I sat for a moment, gathering my thoughts before I smiled and lied through my teeth.

“Bailey’s great. She’s living in New York right now and we talk a lot. She’s doing wonderfully.”

“How are you doing without her?” he pushed the topic. “I’m sure you miss her.”

“Like crazy,” I answered. “But we’ve been close for so long, even one of our phones calls that last for hours seems like enough.”

“What about the rest of you lads? Have you talked with her recently?”

“I do sometimes,” Liam said. “She and I grew really close. Not as close as Niall and her obviously, but really close.”

“So is she planning a visit? Or are you visiting her soon?” he asked. Why couldn’t he drop the subject? This wasn’t helping me. I wanted to go and wring his neck for bringing her up. It was obvious something was wrong with me and if I hadn’t talked about her in eight months, did he really think everything was going to be OK between us?

I realized all the lads were looking at me to answer Kevin’s question. “No not at the moment,” I answered simply.

With that he dropped the subject and turned to our upcoming album release.

Eight months. Had it really been that long? Had I really gone eight months without speaking a word to her? Had it really been eight months since my best friend and the girl I loved had left me? Had it really been eight months of this depression I couldn’t seem to get out of? Eight months. It seemed like a lifetime.

A lifetime.

What if she never forgave me and I really had to go the rest of my life without her? What would I do if I never got to spend one more day with her? What would I do if I could never give her a proper good-bye, rather than accept an empty promise that she would see me in the morning? What was going to happen to me? I had started going crazy two weeks into her silence, what would I do for the years I had left?

“Are you alright Niall?” Zayn pulled me aside after the interview.

“Yeah,” I lied. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because of the interview and you just look like something is on your mind,” he said.

“I just…what if she never comes around to anything, Zayn? What if she never speaks to me again? What if I have to live never knowing if she forgives me?”

“Niall, she’ll come around,” Zayn assured me. “She’s been your best friend for 15 years, that doesn’t go away overnight.”

“But it hasn’t been overnight,” I pointed out. “It’s been eight months.”

“Niall this was probably a big thing for her to deal with. She’s probably afraid of hurting you more by contacting you. It’s only a matter of time until she wants to see you more than she wants to potentially hurt you and she’ll come.”

I nodded and he clapped my shoulder as we walked outside to go back to the hotel.

It was so hard for me to do anything anymore. Everything reminded me of her and everything made being away from her harder. I would usually call her every couple of days and we’d talk for hours. That was one thing I loved about Bailey. I could never be uncomfortable around her. Well, until I had realized my true feelings for her.

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