Chapter 19 : Hyperventilate

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Chapter 19 : Hyperventilate.

Red maple leaves falls in the courtyard, falling everywhere on the ground, on the green tree that was yet to wilt, blending together at first glance. The leaves were blown around the yard leisurely by the wind.

Dusk fell like a curtain, and on the eaves the autumn sun was as cold as water.

Philipia was seated at the middle of the room in her classroom. With the mask that obscured her face. The teacher did not notice her attention and gaze, watching the red maple leaves falling like feathers, swaying left and right as it hit the ground.

“Tonight, there will be the autumn lantern festival, make sure to bring necessary materials for your lanterns...” the teacher said and everyone began to murmur to their seatmate.

Philipia never experienced lighting up a lantern, or even making one at that. The festivals in Pangaea we're almost similar to Asian culture but with a tinge mix of European and Western.

It had been a few weeks after her discharge, almost everyone forgot about her self harming incident. Japan had also began to speak normally with her and their relationship returned to the way it was.

Though, philipia wasn't as oblivious and dense as before but, she was much easier to talk to now. South Korea even liked this new side of her more. He became even more flirty whenever he has the chance and all the time, philipia would blush madly. If it wasn't for her mask covering her face, she would've wanted to crawl under a rock and hide forever.

Additionally, everyone had now gotten used to her creepy, blank looking mask.

South Korea stood Infront of her desk, “Philipia! Wanna partner with me in making the lantern?”

Philipia replied, “Is having a partner necessary?”

South Korea laughed, “Yeah! Well, at least for me”

America, sitting behind philipia, couldn't help but butt in. “What do you mean partner? Philipia, don't believe this plastic idiot, you can even make a lantern in groups”

South Korea rebuke, “Watch it blondie! Whether to make it in group or not is up to philipia! But I do recommend partnering with me! I'm the best in making lanterns, I can even do calligraphy paintings if you'd like”

The words calligraphy touched a g-spot on China, “Are you confident enough in your calligraphy, South?”

South smirked and can already tell that China is someone who loves any form of art. He can still recall that one time China scolded him for more than an hour when he criticized a painting that was abstract and looked nothing but a bunch of shapes and random colors.

South Korea boasts, “of course! My handwriting is even more beautiful!”

Japan then raised his hand, “I wanna join! I like calligraphy too!”

South Korea grins, “alright! It's settled, later tonight when making the lanterns, we'll compete!!”

Philipia sighed. She packed up her things and quietly slipped away. As she walks through the hall, she met Vietnam, cosmos and Iran walking the opposite direction.

Vietnam smiled, “Lotus! Good afternoon! How was class?”


Iran then signed: ‘Do you have the materials you need for the lantern festival later?’

Philipia shakes her head, “I was about to buy at the store”

Cosmos then suggest, “Come with us , we were about to go to a nearby craft store”

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