Chapter 34 : I was comforting you.

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Philipia opened her eyes from the sudden brightness and saw a small slit from the curtain that she wasn't able to fully close last night. She got up, brushed her teeth and prepared herself and went out.

When the elevator arrived on the first floor, she saw a couple entering the hotel and book a room from the front desk.

Last night, knowing her uncle would feel awkward, philipia decided to slip out of school late at night and book a room. Aren't she considerate?

And for how she was able to escape isn't really important.

Maharlika spoke, “If you weren't so stupid last night, you wouldn't have to walk for an hour and look for a hotel!”

Philipia pursed her lips and said, “It was just a prank.”

Maharlika: …

This girl is gonna be the death of him! No— wait, it's gonna be the death of the two of them! Tsk.


Philipia paused in her steps and turn at the man who called her.

Wearing a soft scarf and bonnet with an ice skating goggle on top.

Philipia couldn't recall when was the last time she spoke to Iceland. Was it after they were rescued or was it when Kyoto... Anyways, she didn't expect to run into him early in the morning.

Iceland scrutinized the youth, still wearing the mask then towards the direction she just came from. He asked, “You slept in a hotel?”

Philipia nodded.

He raised a brow, “Why?”

Philipia replied, “You sleep outside the school and rented a condominium, why can't I sleep in a hotel?”

Iceland didn't pry anymore, “I was just asking.” he then walked to her side and they continued on the side walk.

“sorry I didn't contact you after... whatever has happened.” Philipia felt apologetic.

Iceland didn't mind, “No worries, I knew you were mourning and I wasn't that close to her.” he looked at her sideways and couldn't help but take off his scarf and wrap it around her neck.

Philipia was caught off guard, “Ugh. You're choking m-me.” she said, trying to loosen the scarf that would probably choke her to death.

Iceland rolled his eyes, “Why aren't you wearing a scarf. Winter here is different from the winter in the other countries.” he paused before carefully asking, “And... how are you?”

Philipia looked at Iceland and pursed her lips. Unbeknownst to Iceland, a thin layer of moist appeared on her mismatched eyes. But she replied with the same tone, “I've been well.”

Maharlika: no you're not.

Iceland thought the same but he didn't say it. He merely gave her a glance and resumed walking.

Iceland and philipia walked around the city, they would take a quick tour on one place after another and even visited a massive grave sight where a lot of people offered flowers, food, candles, etc... These were all offers to all of those who perished in the autumn massacre.

Iceland walked out and bought two candles with a blue and red ribbon wrapped around it. He gave one to philipia and they both walked up to light up their candle.

Philipia examined the various fruits, flowers and pictures of those victims. All of them had bright smiling faces. At the other side, philipia heard a loud wailing. She saw an old woman accompanied by two people behind her. She held a picture of a young man, hugging it while wiping her tear stained face.

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