Chapter 35 : Her lips were sweeter than maple syrup.

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Before philipia could comprehend what was happening, Canada already pulled her out of the school and into the forest that was filled with bald trees covered in thick snow.

After running for like 20 minutes. Philipia had no clue where he took her but it was still within school grounds.

Though, it was desolate and far.

Philipia asked, “Is there something you need? You know, you could've called me.”

Canada replied, “Well. Actually. I called you numerous times in different numbers, even the first number you have. They're all unreachable. I almost called the cops by the way— anyways I...”

Philipia said, “What is it?”

Canada swallowed hard and stuttered on his words, “T-The plan. I still think it's too risky...”

Philipia knew it was about ‘that’ plan. Just from the look of his face, she can already guessed it. “What is it that you don't like about it?”

“I don't like it at all. Syrup. Even if it means I'll get hurt or not, it doesn't matter!”

Philipia gave a stop sign which Canada immediately closed his mouth.

Philipia sighed, which caused Canada to be more nervous. “Do you even know what would happen? Many of us will die. You or someone else might die. I don't even know what his next action is, it could also be that tomorrow, maybe he's about to launch a war on this country or not. Canada, I didn't ask you to help me not because I know you like me. I asked you to help me because this could be a possible world war three. Do you want that to happen?”

Canada exclaimed, “and by sacrificing yourself?! You said so yourself, this is about the whole world now. I don't know why your brother would want another war but I do know is that you don't have to sacrifice your freedom!”

Philipia said, “Canada! Did you even read the paper or even listen to my explanation? I am only a distraction so you can do your main job while I keep brother company.”

Canada was stubborn and shook his head fiercely, “No! I don't want that! I don't want that! You don't even know if your brother will believe you!”

Philipia sighed and turn to her heel, attempting to just walk away. Canada is too stressed and not in the right state of mind. Whatever she explain, he probably wouldn't understand.

But before she could even make 5 steps away, she was seize from behind and pushed against a tree. The impact was so great that a few snow fell and merged from the white snow on the ground. Obviously, the perpetrator was strong and didn't have any signs of being gentle and kind on his action.

But philipia didn't feel any killing intent and simply groaned in pain and looked at Canada whose eyes were a bit unfocused.

She called weakly, “Canada, wake up!”

Canada shook his head and mumbled the same sentence over and over, “Should've killed you... I really should've killed you, should've killed you... Should've killed you...”

“Canada!” Philipia called again.

Canada flinched and looked at her straight in the eyes, “Maple syrup, I can't bare to think what would happen to you... I don't want that! I don't want that! I don't want that!!!”

Then, he takes out a cutter from his pocket. Pushed the blade out and pressed it on her neck.

“Are you going to kill me?” philipia asked. Though her question was chilling, her tone had no fluctuation. She stated, “You know, I can handle you to myself without getting injured, and I can report you to the office and have you expelled...”

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