Chapter 33 : I promise I won't struggle and cooperate with you.

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Jack sat on the sofa while philipia stood right in front of him. He scrutinized his niece and began telling the story of how and why he would ever do such a thing to his brother's wife.

“At first, it was an accident, the second time was on purpose and the third and fourth... anyways, we probably only did it six times...”

Philipia looked at him condescendingly. Jack couldn't help but swallow hard and admitted, “Okay fine. we did it every two months so it should be... 9 times.”

He quickly added, “But don't think badly of your mother. Perla wasn't that type of woman.”

“I always knew she was special even the first time I saw her. when I first did it with her, it was purely to help her... but also one of my selfish desire. Everytime I visit the house I would often use the kids as an excuse to just get a glimpse of her face and talk to her even for just a second or minute. But when I visited there one time, Perla was trembling on the floor. At that time, Kati was on the south region and would be gone for a good few months. He trusted me so he asked me to keep an eye out of martial, Greg and your mother.”

“But I broke his trust when I discovered perla. She was writhing in pain, crying all by herself. I asked her what was going on, she refused to answer and wouldn't even look at me in the eye. But I was too worried and scared that something must've happened so I plan to carry her to the village doctor but... when our eyes met, something in me just snapped. Of course I was able to get a hold of myself and held back but. Perla was begging, she wouldn't let go and...” her voice was like a siren that invites the sailor to their doom, pulling them down to the abyss of no return.

Jack couldn't say the last sentence and could only take a deep breath and avoided looking at his niece. He continued. “One thing led to another and we...”

Philipia continued for him, “You had sex.”

Jack flinched. He felt ashamed as though he was the worst scum and uncle in the whole world. He nodded and repeated after coughing awkwardly, “Yes. We had sex. When I woke up the next day, Perla was in my arms, both of us were naked. I apologized to her and even volunteered to tell Kati. But she stopped me and begged me to not tell anyone what happened. I couldn't say no, I've always been weak to her, and it was the first time she ever asked something from me. So I agreed and tried so hard to forget that night.”

“I asked her what happened the next day and she told me the story that, ever since last year, she began going into -what she called- estrus, or what you call heat. At first she was able to hold it back and Kati was there so she didn't think of it as a problem. But as the country grew, Kati began going on a trip every two to three months and would be away for almost a month or two. It was then she would keep it to herself, send Greg and martial to her parents place and bare it all by herself for a whole night.”

“she described the feeling of the unbearable pain and suffering. Her body was like on fire and she would often go to the river at midnight where it would be the coldest and soak there for 5 or more hours... She didn't had the heart to tell Kati. For some reason, she couldn't tell Kati.”

Philipia walked around the coffee table and sat on the single sofa chair on the right. “so she proposed for your cooperation?”

Jack looked at philipia with surprise in his eyes, “Yeah... she did.”

Philipia didn't react much and nonchalantly said, “Thought so.”

“How did you guess it?”

Philipia answered, “It's only practical she would ask for you. but Tito, you thought you were the predator who took advantage of your prey. But in fact, you've always been the prey. Between you both, it would be you who'd lose more than her.”

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