Chapter 57 : The land of the free

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[We're here, as expected, security is tigh-- ackk! Malaysia! What the heck?!]

[The Gatling gun is broken! Wahhh!!]

[Are you really worrying about some gun right now?!]

Spain sighed as he listened to the conversation. “Focus Indonesia! Focus! Find Joe and Philipia first!”

“I got it! I got it! Don't hang up!”

Spain didn't hang up and let the call run. Of course, this would've been dangerous and they could've been found immediately if Martial used it to track them, but they used a special private signal thanks to Cosmos so they could call with ease. Although it wasn't easy at first, but somehow, they had help from J who retreated from the background.

“Did they find her?” J asked, coming out of the control room.

Spain shook his head. “Not yet...”

“I wonder if they're okay...”

Spain looked at the distance where they could see a small part of the island. His expression was grim and his heart was constantly worrying.

Spain takes out his phone while he handed the other one that has an ongoing call with Indonesia and went inside the control room. Unlocking his phone, he went to his messages and clicked on the unknown number and read the message: [Can you, China, and America do me a favor? Get a boat (even if it's secondhand) and a military helicopter? Might need it for something]

At first, Spain thought it was Philipia. Knowing her, she must've lost another phone and sent him this email through a new one. The reason he didn't even doubt it and immediately thought of Philipia was because his number is known to a few people like J, America, Russia, Philipia and other people who he needed keep in contact with. Even if his number was known by someone, in order to send him a message, they must first go through ten firewalls that needed passwords, that's why it's rare to receive messages from strangers. Of course, there are hackers and really skillful individuals but they usually give up on the fifth firewall that needed a passcode that only he knew, and no matter how hard they try, even if they hire a professional hacker or even a legion of them, they wouldn't be able to get in, and if you did manage to get in, it'll send a warning to his people and they'll deal with them immediately. Fortunately, they aren't dumb and avoid trouble with a leader.

Thus, when he received this message, he immediately moved and called China and America, who was at Canada's country, and followed her instructions. As a result, they avoided the tragedy and the explosion, and what was strange was that the message arrived just an hour before it happened. Therefore Spain began to doubt the message, even more so when he heard from Canada through America about what had occur and what happened to Philipia.

His hand gripped onto the phone case and stared at the messages. From the usage of words and the way they gave instructions; it felt like this person knew them and wasn't unfamiliar in the slightest. Even J, who read it, thought that there was nothing wrong and inquired if Philipia was the one who sent it.

Of course it wasn't her, and later proven when he received a message from Malaysia: [*Malayan sent a photo* Emergency! Emergency! Philipia sent me a message! We have to rescue her!]

He clicked on the photo and saw Philipia's message, with her name as the sender, asking Malaysia and Indonesia to come get her. Spain thought of the helicopter and the boat that they had and immediately called Malaysia.

Spain sat inside the control room, contemplating. Whoever this unknown person was or what their motives are, he was still thankful. Perhaps, just a hunch, Spain thought this unknown person was on their side.

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