Chapter 5 : It's loud in a quiet room

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[ There'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~ ]


[ A/N: To make it less confusing, Iran is deaf and isn't mute, there's a difference, he can speak but can't hear; although he can talk, his pronunciation is a bit slur, although he knows what he's saying since he wasn't born deaf, he just *became* deaf. Got it? Also, whenever Iran is saying, he is doing a sign language ( same goes for cosmos ) hence they're dialogues are like this "they talk in sign language" okeh? ]

 Got it? Also, whenever Iran is saying, he is doing a sign language ( same goes for cosmos ) hence they're dialogues are like this "they talk in sign language" okeh? ]

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What does the world sound like again?

What does cicadas sound like again?

What does trucks, cars, vehicles, any machines - sound like again?

What do voices sound like again?

All these sounds, all these things, I can no longer seem to remember. I can no longer picture how one thing sounds like again.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm being left out, sometimes, I feel like I'm left behind, people are moving forward, while I – I'm left alone; behind.

Whenever I walk around the school, their lips move, speaking and talking, their voices that comes out naturally to form words.

I can no longer determine it, I can no longer hear it without focusing. I can't hear but I can read what they're saying - that is if they talk slowly and clearly.

While walking, I felt a tap on my left shoulder; catching my attention I turn around to see cosmos with his usual helmet.

I smiled and made a sign language that says: Good morning, cosmos

He replied me with a sign Language as well: Mornin'

I grinned and walk alongside me. As we walk in the hallway, I can feel multiple footsteps from different students. Although my hearing is absent, my sense of touch, and sight is still present; everywhere I go, there are certain vibrations - from the walls, things, floors, everywhere.

"Did you hear about the upcoming spring party?" I asked.

[ A/N: They're talking in sign language okay? Mind the fonts ]

"Yeah, I did. Are you going to attend?"

I nodded and signed "I'm going because red rose is going"

Cosmos nodded and pats my head. I look over to the bulletin board and saw the poster for the spring party; I don't think about what's gonna happen there all I could think about is the dress red rose is going to wear.

Just imagining it gives me a smile.

"What do you think red rose will wear?" I asked with a little tilt of my head, a sign of wondering or question.

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