Chapter 23 : The forgotten half of the sea

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It was a winter afternoon, the sunlight was bright and warm as it passed through the window rails, creating a playful shadow inside in every classroom.

Outside, a thin layer of snow had already accumulated. Snowflakes falling gently, covering the ground that had been stained with dried blood from the massacre.

Philipia sat on the stairs that face the entrance of the building. She watched as the ground slowly being covered by pure white snow.

It had been a month or two after that incident whereas she felt like burning. If not for Tethys who helped her get back to her uncle's dorm and called him, she would have fainted and continue to bare the pain alone in the restroom.

Philipia held her arm, underneath the warm and thick fabric of the academy's uniform, is the scar that contradicts her flawless skin.

It has became a habit when she feels anxious. The only imperfect part of her that she absolutely love. It makes her feel at least, a little bit normal.

Recalling that day, that burning pain, she also recalled the reason and the story behind it.

Apparently, Armageddon went through the same thing. Perhaps her mother, her grandmother and her grandma's mother, way before; all went through the same thing.

Like an animal, they go through a month of ‘heat’. Their ‘eyes’ has a strong sense of survival to keep existing, hoping to appear on the next generation and more. Their ‘eyes’ would seduce anyone who looks at it in the middle of their heat, forcing that person to willingly or unwillingly ‘mate’ with them.

Furthermore, the reason her friends would go crazy upon looking at her is to force them to like her beyond the boundary of normal. Making sure she has enough suitors to mate with in case man #1 dies.

That was when she realized, those fated pairs she has isn't really her ‘real’ fated pairs. But pairs created by these ‘eyes’ that she started to hate.

Just what is she? What do they think is she?

An animal?

Philipia gripped her arm and curled a little as she thought about it. It's laughable that something that is supposed to be proud of— now makes her sick.

Many times, she just wanted to gauge out her right eye and be done with it. Even if she has to go about her life blind, she doesn't care.

She can fight in the dark, she can always learn how. After all, she learned how to survive even without a weapon, why can't she survive without a sight?

Even if she is tempted to do so, she can't forget that her pain isn't something she's carrying alone. There are her friends out there who placed their lives on the line for her, to feel her pain alongside with her.

She sighed and released her arm before she hurt herself and them... Again.

Seriously, even harming yourself can be so stressful.

At this moment, Egypt and Nepal came down and saw the female leader sitting on the second last step of the stairs, watching the accumulating snow outside.

Philipia didn't even need to look back, just judging from the footsteps she can already determine who it belongs to.

Egypt beamed, “Anuket!”

Egypt and Nepal took a sit on both of her sides, Egypt sat on her right whilst Nepal sat on her left, sandwiching her in-between.

Philipia didn't reply and remained motionless, watching the snow outside. Egypt didn't mind and leaned close to her side, “What's so fun watching the snow? In my country, watching the sand is more fun.”

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