Chapter 54 : What's Peace When There's No War?

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There was a sea of fire. The sky had turned gray, the air was sickening, the water was murky, and life seemed to have ceased to exist. The only thing that existed in this world now were these flames. The heat was so intense it burned even the eyes. It felt as if all the flesh would melt away at any moment.

"I've never seen such an awful sight."

Everyone was speechless, unable to do anything but look on in shock. A massive crowd had gathered near the edge of the city, watching silently from afar, the school that used to stand so proud and mighty had turned into nothing but a pile of debris and ashes.

The flames were merciless. It destroyed, ate, swallowed everything in its wake; indiscriminately killing thousands of innocent lives. Lives that had yet to bloom, lives that were pure, lives that brought joy and hope. But now, everything was gone. Gone like the ashes carried by the wind, hoping it could bring it somewhere safe, somewhere far away.

The scene replayed itself over and over again as they stood there, watching with their hearts sinking deeper each time. Everyone kept saying the same words: "It's impossible... How? Why?"

How did this happen?

It was okay a few hours ago. Why? Why did the school, the symbol of equality... Disappear?

Philipia knew this would have happened sooner or later, maybe she could have prevented it; maybe she would have been able to save them.

Save him...

When the helicopter flew above Tethyria, a mountain of fire could be seen. Seeing the thick mass of smoke, Philipia's heart was shaken to the core. From her head to the tips of her toe, she was cold-cold all over-colder than when she discovered Perla's body, colder than she discovered that basement.

"What's going on?!" Canada opened the mic to the headphones.

The pilot replied uncertainly, "There seems to be a fire."

"No shit, I see that! But... but why is the fire coming from the academy!?"

Below the helicopter amidst the open fire. Hundreds and thousands of people were affected. It may look small from above but it was actually more than a fraction of Tethyria.

The bombing started at the sea and as if the bomb was moving, it exploded one after another till it hit the academy.

The smoke looked eerie yet beautiful. It was like looking at a volcano eruption, and every stories pertaining eruptions were due to the gods wrath.

The earth was scorched and heaven fell down as if kissing it, soothing it's pain and anger.

Death roamed the mortal realm as it searched for more souls to deliver.

Tethys stood at the rooftop of his office-or should he call- his second home, and looked at the far distance where he could see the towering smoke. It was like the devil's hand reaching above, hoping to be accepted back into heaven.

To think they'd use bombs... On his territory.

"Cowards," he gnashed his teeth. He turn to his heel went back inside.

"Sir! You can't go there yourself! I'll send a group of our men and help assist the situation!"

Tethys' steps were heavy. He felt like the stairs were too long and the elevator was taking its time. He needed to go there himself, he needs to see the situation they are in, he needs to see his friends, but more importantly- his Philia!

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