Chapter 70

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Kate's Pov

I felt like I couldn't sleep last night, all these thoughts bombarding me. When something disturbs your inner peace you have to rid it and that's just what I'm doing. The Tell All Tale, a long history of abuse and sadness ends today, in order to free my name and get back to that peaceful state in which I was, this is what I must do.

I take a deep breath as I enter Diamond Star, it was already 10 am and the interview was at 11 am, the reporters swarm outside trying to get a word in and a comment, how has the interview turned into an event?

"You made it!" Says Josh as he joined me.

"We were worried you may not be able to make it inside with all these reporters" Says Anna as she joined us.

"I had a backup" I say as I turn around.

"Jane hired them, special agents, this is Lucas" I say as he stepped forward.

"This is Elijah, they're incredibly agile" I say.

"And cute" Says Anna as she winked.

"Let's head up to the conference room, I have breakfast ready" Says Josh as we headed upstairs.

We all had breakfast together as Leona joined us, it was 10:45 am as everyone joined us. Leona pulled out her voice recorder as I took a deep breath. Jane then walked in as my eyes widen.

"Jane" I say as she enters.

"I had to be here" She says as she kissed my forehead.

Everyone else then came in as my eyes widen in shock.

Jason, Ryan, Candice, Stefan, Leo and even Martinez.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes" I say.

"So what's your interpretation on the incident?" She asked.

"Me and my wife were badly harassed by a hooded group on a daily basis. There were three members in that group" I said.

"Why would they do that?" Asked Leona.

"To see me in pain and to tear me away from Jane" I say.

"Who were they? What was their motive" She asked.

"My former boss Adelyn, My assistant Anna and Jane Connor's aunt Martinez have been stalking and harassing us" I say.

"Why would they do something like that?" She asked.

"Adelyn wanted to make me her's and wouldn't accept no for an answer, she did whatever it took to make sure Jane and I broke up. Jane's aunt Martinez wanted to destroy Jane and her career. She used to abuse Jane when she was younger and she couldn't bear seeing her being so successful and independent, and decided to ruin her and abuse her again. She basically used Anna to reach her goal. Anna was mentally ill at that time so I won't blame her, she's innocent but Adelyn and Martinez knew what they were doing" I explain.

"Well, you have provided texts and evidence to prove that was true, why didn't you seek help from the police?" She asked.

"They couldn't help me" I say.

"So you took the law into your own hands" She said.

"There are things a person must do to keep the people they loves safe" I say as I gulp.

"According to your statement, Jane's aunt was the leader of all this. Then why isn't she arrested yet?" Leona asked.

"She's powerful, I couldn't do anything to get her arrested" I replied.

"Thank you, Kate. That's all I need" Says Leona.

"Oh, thanks for listening" I say as she shook my hand and picked her stuff up and headed out the door.


"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" I say as I gulp hard.

"Yeah, I truly thought it would be more incriminating" Says Anna as I looked for Martinez but she had left.

"You did great" Says Jane as she kissed my forehead.

"It's because you all were here" I smiled.

"Josh, do you mind if Kate take some time off today?" Asked Jane to Josh.

"Sure why not" Says Josh.

"Time off?" I say to Jane.

"There's something I want to show you" Says Jane as she took my hand and headed out the door.

"Where are you taking me?" I yell.

"You'll see" She smiled as we headed outside and into the car.

She then drove off and headed out to the highway.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I ask.

"It's a surprise" She smiled.

She drove for about 20 minutes as she took a back road, all I could see were large trees that shaded us as we drove by. She then drove in what looked like a mansion, it was huge and abandoned, looked like it was left here to rot.

"What is this place?" I say as we got out the car.

"It's an old abandoned mansion" She says.

"I see that but why are we here?" I ask.

"Yesterday got me thinking I could've burned down entire house and I know you like to cook and my kitchen is too small so I thought why try burning my apartment down when I can try to burn this one down" She says.

"You didn't" I say in shock.

"Welcome to your new home" She said excitedly as she smiled.

"Jane!" I say still in shock.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked you first" She said apologetically.

"Thank you, this is a amazing house" I say excitedly.

"You like it?" She asked.

"I love it!" I say as she kissed me.

"Welcome home Kate" She said as we stare at our new house.


This moment... this pure happiness and joy we felt, at that moment I wanted more in this world but a moment like that doesn't last forever. I truly wish, the joy of this moment could have stayed, before I know it, it was gone.

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