Chapter 38

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Kate's Pov

The elevator automatically went up to Jane's apartment. It then opened as I see no one in sight. Jane went upstairs... so she should be upstairs. I slowly go to her computer which was sitting on the couch to check the live feed upstairs. I open it up but there was no Internet connection. I was scared out of mind. I then heard banging upstairs which fueled my fright even more. Every ounce of my being is telling me to leave here at once but my heart won't listen. I can't leave Jane, I love her so much that I want to protect her no matter what. Please Jane, be okay.

I slowly walk upstairs trying not to make any sudden movements. I wasn't hearing any noise or footsteps, it was dead silent. This person who's trying to scare us is doing a damn good job at it. I head straight for Jane's room but it was empty. I go to her shelf and pick up her baseball bat that she had hiding there, I should've gone for the gun but I've never shot a gun before. I check her bathroom and every inch of her room but she wasn't there. I then head to my room, I open it carefully but there was no one there, I pick my iPhone up and pushed it into my pocket, I then notice something written on the wall... it was written with blood.. it was a smiley face followed by a sad face. This is someone's sick idea of a joke, they're trying to scare me and it's working but what befell me was my concern for Jane, that is what helped me get through this, I searched endlessly through the house in every room but I couldn't find her, I started panicking and my heart started racing.

I immediately called Taylor and he came 15 minutes after. I was in tears and panicking. Where the hell is Jane? She has to be here, the elevator is the only exit so she couldn't have left. I explain the situation to Taylor and he tried to calm me down. Taylor called one of Jane's detective friend and he came, searching endlessly for Jane but we couldn't find her.

"Where was the last place you saw her?" Asked the man.

"She was going upstairs and I was going to the elevator" I say to him.

"How'd you end up back in here?" He asked.

"The power went out and the elevator came back out, I stepped out to look for Jane but she was gone" I say to him.

My phone then vibrated as I pulled it out.

"Nice phone case" He says pointing at my Attack on Titan phone case.

"Thanks" I say as I see a message. I then opened it up.

"The grey velvet sky will take pain away" ~ from unknown.

What the hell is this and who the hell is this.

"If you tell anyone about this I will do more than hurt Jane" ~ from unknown.

A chill then went up my spine. What the hell is going on! Right now I was so scared, I was confused, I was frantic.

"Hey" Says the detective.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say zoning out.

"I'll find her. Don't worry. You should get some rest. I'm gonna finish inspecting here" Says the detective.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I'm sure, I signed a confidentiality agreement with Jane so you don't have to worry" She assured me.

"I'll take you to your apartment Ms. Williams" Says Taylor.

"Also there's a smiley face written with blood on the wall of my room" I say as his eyes widen.

"I'll take a look. I'll call the security company and get a copy of the camera feed" He says as Taylor escorts me to the elevator.

I've never been so scared in my life. I don't know what's happening, Jane... where are you!??!

Taylor drove me to my apartment, it was a cold rainy night, it matched well to my gloomy mood.

"Taylor. Will she be okay?" I say as a tear fell out my eye.

"She will be Ms. Williams. I'm sure we'll find her soon" Says Taylor as he smiles. We then arrived at my apartment building.

"Ms. Williams was my mom, you can call me Kate" I say as I exit the car.

I then exited and headed up to my apartment. Candice wasn't there. Where could she be at this hour? I head into my room and dove into bed feeling a little relaxed. A few moments passed as I heard a glass break outside. Candice must be home. I head outside but there was no one there, what was even more strange was that there was no sign of a glass breaking. I head into the kitchen and everything looked normal. I head into Candice's room but no one was there. Is it possible I wasn't there alone? Fear then struck me again as I run into my room and locked it.

I couldn't sleep that night. That was by far the longest night of my life. I laid in bed as the sun came up, worried and scared. It was about 9:40AM and I headed outside to make a cup of coffee. My phone then started ringing. It was a number I haven't seen before.

"Hello" I say.

"Kate! Where are you? The meeting is about to start" Says a voice on the other line.

"Josh?" I ask.

"Yes. Get your butt here" He says.

"Is it okay if I skip today? There's some stuff going on that requires my attention" I say to him.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry but I'm afraid Leo will be mad. I'll give you the rest of the day off but please come to the meeting. Adelyn said it's important" Says Josh.

"I'll be there" I sigh.

"Thank you" Says Josh.

What's so important? Knowing that it's coming from Adelyn I'm not the least bit interested but Josh is giving me the rest of the day off so I guess that's a relief. I shower and hurry down there. I was 20 minutes late.

"Tardy much?" Says Adelyn.

"Sorry I'm late" I say to them. Leo, Josh and Adelyn stood in the office.

"Now down to business. Why did you summon us?" Says Josh.

"I have a proposal for Kate" Adelyn says as she looked at me.

"A proposal?" I ask.

"Your talents would be wasted as a mere intern, I've seen the way you work and I see that determination on your eye, it's quite different from the usual peasant. I'd like to make you my Secretary Kate. I'm sure taking that chance would greatly help me" Says Adelyn. Before a word even came out my mouth I was interrupted.

"No way" Says Josh as he gave Adelyn the evil glare.

"It's solely up to Kate, don't interfere Josh" Says Leo.

"Thank you Leo" Says Adelyn.

"No way. This meeting is adjourned" Says Josh.

"I get to say that" Says Leo.

"This meeting is adjourned" Says Josh as he stare at Leo with this pissed look on his face.

"Josh" Says Leo as he raises an eyebrow.

"This meeting is over" Says Josh as he grinds his teeth.

"We'll continue this at a later time. Josh can I speak to you?" Says Leo looking mad.

"In a moment. I need to speak to Kate" Says Josh.

"Hurry" Says Leo as he folds his arms. Josh then led me outside.

"What's going on?" I say confused.

"You will not be her secretary. She's changed so much secretaries during her inception. You're too much of an asset to be lost" Says Josh.

"Was it really okay to talk to your boss like that?" I ask worried.

"He'll get over it. You look like you didn't get any sleep last night. Kate, what's going on?" Asked Josh.

Should I tell Josh what's really going on? I could use a friend right now. I get this warm feeling when I'm talking to Josh, I haven't known him for long but I trust him, he's truly shown he can be a great friend.

I'm gonna tell him.. I mean.. what else could possibly go wrong?

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