Chapter 27

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Kate's Pov

We cuddled together and slept so soundly that night, something I never thought we could have done. The sexual tension wasn't there. Maybe she was changing?

Jane kept her promise and took me to the waterfall the next day. We had so much fun, she kept splashing water on me like a child at her first day at the beach. It was truly was a fun day, we watched movies, we even made lunch together. Who knew Jane Connor could chop onions? It was a fun little mini vacation but now it was back to reality. Jane promised me she'd take me back here soon so I have have to look forward to that. We took the yacht back, then the car then she helicopter back to New York where she dropped me off at my apartment.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with me tonight??" She asks.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Gotta rest up for work tomorrow" I say as she look sad.

"So we're back together?" She says excitedly.

"Sure Ms. Connor" I say as I kiss her forehead.

"A vanilla relationship it is then" She smiles.

"What is a vanilla relationship?" I ask.

"A plain relationship Ms. Williams" She teases.

"Vanilla it is" I say.

"Have a great day at work tomorrow babe. Do you want me to take you to work?" She asks.

"It's fine. I'll manage" I smile.

"The owner is strict so be careful" Says Jane.

"And of course you know the owner" I say.

"I know very important people Ms. Williams" Says Jane.

"Like Lady Gaga?" I ask.

"Like Lady Gaga" She smiles.

"Goodnight Jane" I smile at her.

"Laterz babe" She smiled as I close the door.

I head straight into my room and jump head first into my bed almost immediately falling asleep.

*Beep Beep Beep* went my alarm. It was 8AM and I had to get to work at 10AM. I head outside where I see Candice laying on the couch.

"Katyyyyyy" She says as she gets up.

"Hey Candy. Where were you last night? I didn't see you home. Were you with Stefan?" I say as I went to the coffee maker.

"Stefan broke up with me" Says Candice.

"What!?" I yell.

"Before he met me he had a fiancé, they broke up but now their back together and get this, her name is Candice to" Says Candice as she pouts.

"Shall we kill him then?" I say as I grab a knife.

"Nah, it's okay, I don't really feel hurt in any way" She says as she gets up and joins me for coffee.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine. On to the next one plus I can always borrow that dildo in your drawer" Teased Candice.

"You're such a whore" I laughed.

"Ready for your new job?" Asks Candice.

"Yeah. I'm excited. I hope it goes well" I sigh.

"You'll do great. I'm not worried" Says Candice.

"I have a bad feeling" I say as I sigh.

"Just be careful. Show them how good you are" She says.

"I'll do my best" I say as I made breakfast.

I was so nervous to start today. I took a shower after eating and got ready, I wore a red top and my black skirt. The dress code was causal attire, I guess the top was a nice touch.

I head downtown to Diamond Star Publishing Company. Luckily getting here only takes 15 minutes. I stood in front of Diamond Star Publishing Company when I got a text from Jane.

Jane Connor: You'll do great babe. They'll love you, just be yourself and you'll be fine.

Kate: Thank you for the encouragement Ms. Connor ;)

Jane Connor: Enjoy your day Ms. Williams.

Kate: You too.

I walk in headstrong into the building as the secretary waved at me.

"Hello ma'am. How can I help you?" She asks.

"Hello. I'm Kate. I'm supposed to be starting today" I say.

"Very well. Have a seat" She says as I sit on a nearby chair.

I wonder if I'll fit in here? Everyone seems so important and wore flashy important people clothes.

"You're wondering if you'll fit in here aren't you?" Says a voice as he approached me.

"You!" I say as I notice this guy again.

"Hello Kate" Says Josh as he walks up to me.

"You're the guy from the hospital" I say.

"Don't tell me you forgot my name Kate" He says as he folds his arms.

"Josh right?" I say as he smiles.

"Indeed. You had that same look on your face like I did the first time I came here" Says Josh.

"Wait.. So you work here?" I say surprised.

"Yes I do" He smiled.

"Well at least it's good seeing a familiar face" I sigh.

"You're supposed to start today as an intern right?" Says Josh.

"Yeah" I reply.

"Let's move that along then, a spot opened up in the Sales Department. Would you like to spend your first day there?" Asks Josh.

"Are you sure that would be okay?" I ask.

"Well part of the internship programme is that we let the interns spend a day each with various departments here and at the end of the training period, we decide of to keep you or not, as a special exception you can skip the orientation. I can always brief you anyway" Says Josh.

"I feel lucky" I smile.

"You sure are" He nods as he leads me to the elevator.

"Soo.. Sales department?" I ask.

"Yeah, they're the heart of this company" He says.

"So why are you giving me the tour? Are you some sort of VIP person?" I ask.

"Welcome to sales" He says as the elevator door opened.

"What are you doing here?" Says a voice as we enter the elevator.

I then notice a woman standing in front of us, she gave off a intimidating aura, her hair was jet black and she had a sinister smile. This women surely intimidated me to the max.

"New recruit" Says Josh.

"Then isn't she supposed to be in the orientation meeting?" The woman asked.

"Kate, this is Adelyn Knox, she's head of the sales department. Adelyn this is Kate, she'll be in here today" Says Josh to Adelyn.

"That's just like you, making these decisions on your own, I'm busy, go back to your department" Says Adelyn as Josh chuckled.

"Christy, would you mind showing Kate around, keep her away from Adelyn" Says Josh.

"Will do sir" Says Christy as she approaches me.

She seems like a nice girl but Adelyn kept giving me the death stare. Something tells me she's more than meets the eye and every fibre of my being tells me I'm not going to like this woman.

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