Chapter 41

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Kate's Pov

I grab a knife as I cut Jane down as she fell into my arms.

"Ba.. baby.. you found me" She says weakly as she smiled.

"I'll always find you" I saw as I hug her tight.

"Oh my god. Ms. Connor!" Yelled Taylor.

"Taylor! Please call Dr. Collins" I say as Taylor immediately grabbed his phone. Jane then opened her eyes as she laid in my arms.

"Kate.. who did this to you?" Says Jane as her eyes widened and a tear fell out her eye.

"It's not important" I say as I take my coat off and wrapped her around it. Her body was so cold, she was shivering.

"Dr. Collins will be here soon" Says Taylor.

"Let's get her downstairs" I say to Taylor as we both helped Jane get up.

Jane couldn't stand on her own. I felt so sorry for her, what has she done to deserve this? My poor baby. I will find whoever did this to you and I will make them pay!

We managed to get Jane downstairs as we laid her on the couch. Taylor then fetched her a glass of water as she coughed. I fetched her some clothes and brought some warm water and a cloth to wipe her.

"Who did this to you?" I ask.

"If I told you then what would you do Kate?" Asked Jane.

"I'll kill them obviously" I say.

"It was the same girl, the one in yj3 hoodie. She tortured me in that room, her face was blocked. I don't know who did this" Says Jane.

"We'll find her and we'll stop her" I say.

"By stop her you mean kill her?" Says Jane.

"After what she's put us through, she will pay. She laid her hands on you. She'll wish I killed her" I say grinding my teeth.

"You're scary" Says Jane as she raised an eyebrow.

"She hurt my baby" I say as I grind my teeth with anger in my eyes.

"I'm supposed to be the one protecting you Kate" She says to me.

"Not this time" I say to her. I was so pissed but then Jane kissed me which immediately calmed me down. There was something about her kiss, it was like a cure you couldn't explain..

"I love you Kate" She says to me as our noses touch.

"I love you too Jane" I say to her. I then took the cloth and wiped her chest as she winced.

"You can't touch me there remember?" She says referring to her chest.

"Oh right. The rule about not touching your chest?" I ask.

"Yes Kate" She says as extends her hand to take the cloth.

"I don't give a rats ass about your rule right now. So be quiet and relax. You're in no condition to do this yourself" I say to her.

Jane's Pov

Kate? Who does she think she is talking to? Breaking my rules like that.. I should be mad at her for ignoring my one rule, yet I'm not. That look in your eye, that dead-set look your giving me will make me submit to you. What is this world coming to? You did save my life... again... I'll let this one slide for now Kate.

You're an amusing girl Kate. I don't think I can ever leave you.

She spent 20 minutes wiping me clean and freeing me from these blood stains. I winced the entire time but she called me a big baby which made me laugh.

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