Chapter 80

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Kate's Pov

I stood there in silence, unable to form words as they looked at me.

"Take your seats!" Yelled a voice behind them as they scatter to their seats.

There he was with his eyes dead set on mine.

"Good day teacher, my name is Mann, Class President" He says as he bows.

"Nice to meet you Mann" I say finally forming words.

"Saved by the class president huh?" Says the rose guy.

I then sighed as he sat down with an amused look on his face. What the hell is with this kid?

"Good Morning class, I'm your English for Effective Communication teacher, Mrs. Kate Connor" I say to them as they greeted me.

The atmosphere was very thick, it felt so awkward, no one seemed to be paying any attention to me whatsoever, it's clear in their eyes I've been labeled the stalker. There were only about sixteen students taking this class so for the first day, it was all about introductions but there were only two students I was able to remember.

"Hi, my name is Mann, you may remember me as the Class President" He smiled.

He seemed quite popular and the students seem to respect him, after him.. was the rose guy.

"Hi, my name is Tine" He said looking at me with that evil glare on his face.

The day progressed in a way I never imagined and soon thereafter, word got around the school that I was a stalker. I could feel wandering eyes on me as I walk on by, because of that one incident, I was now the stalker. The day flew past me and as I blinked, the school was over. I felt like I suffered enough through the day. All I wanted now was to go home, crawl into bed, and not get out of it but now, I had to go introduce myself to the Music Club as their new overseer and then to the cafe and tell them Jane won't be able to come in today. I had to take care of this big baby on top of all this, I knew Jane would eventually get tired of home and go out here because it's in her nature, so I'm having faith in her that she'll succumb to her pride and work as a Barista. I hurry along to the music room as I take a deep breath. How can this day possibly get any worse?

"Good day" I say as I open the door and smile.

"Good day" They all say as they greeted me.

The music club was beautiful, all this is a new experience for me. I think I'll like it there, everyone here was warm and friendly. I then smiled as I hear the door open.

"Oh? So you're stalking me here too huh?" Said Tine.

I turn around and there he was, standing right behind me.

"Don't tell me you're part of the music club too?" I sighed.

"Club President" He said as I sighed.

"Well, I just came to introduce myself. If you need anything tell me" I say to them.

"No need, we have everything in order" Said Tine.

"Very well" I smile.

"Well this was a waste of time, club dismissed, everyone go home" Said Tine.

I stood there in silence as they departed. I feel like I need some hard liquor now but I'll settle for coffee, to the cafe, before I lose my mind!

I walk into the cafe as the staff greeted me.

"Hi, may I speak to your manager?" I ask.

"She isn't in today, would you like to speak to our supervisor?" Asked the girl.

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