Chapter 32

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Kate's Pov

"How's your second first day of work?" Asks Josh as we enter the lunchroom.

"Better than my first" I say smiling.

"You'd fit in here Kate, I have no doubt about that" Says Josh as we take a seat.

"Yeah, I'm helping the promo guys" I say as we start eating.

"The promo team is very fun, they've never let us down" Says Josh.

"Yeah I think they're warming up to me" I say.

"Indeed. Just do the tasks given to you without hesitation and you'll do great" Says Josh as he smiles.

"I will. Thank you Josh. It means a lot" I say.

Josh is truly a great guy, it's nice that he looks out for me and my best interests. I wonder if there's more to that than meets the eye?

We finish up and head back to work. I made my way to the Sales Department to see Adelyn waiting.

"Everything okay?" I say as she stare at me.

"I'm fine. Get back to work" She sighs.

What's her deal? Why is she always so moody? Do I really want to know?

"Yo Kate" Says Ricardo.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"How good are you at typing?" He asks.

"Fairly good I guess" I say.

"Do you mind helping me type this document up? The deadline is Friday and there's still so much left to do" Says Ricardo as he sighs.

"Sure" I smile as he leads me to a computer.

The document he gave me to type up was the first draft of the book "Key of the Stary Heavens" The first chapter was about 1,300 words and there were 5 chapters. As I continue typing up chapter 2, I notice some repetitive words in there, the writer of this book seemed like he was bored writing the second chapter. You could tell that just by his writing. In my personal opinion this book lost its spark at the second chapter. Any reader would stop this book immediately after this horrid chapter. There was no sense to it.

"Something wrong?" Says Adelyn as she gave me a weird look.

"No.. nothing's wrong" I say gulping.

"You can't leave until you finish typing up the first 7 chapters" Says Adelyn as I smile.

It took about 4 hours just to type that up, 1,300 words multiplied by 7 chapters equals to roughly 9,100 words, give or take a few words. It was about 5:45pm and most of the staff had left. Adelyn and my group remained. Just typing left me mentally exhausted but they've been doing it all day. I really do have a lot to learn. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

"You're finally done?" Says Adelyn.

"Yeah. All 7 chapters fully drafted" I say.

"You finished them a lot faster than I thought you would" Says Adelyn who seemed amused.

"Thank you ma'am" I say.

"You can head home now. Email the draft to yourself. Read and review it and give me your opinion on it at 11am tomorrow morning" Says Adelyn.

"Okay" I say as she exited to her office.

Was that a glimmer of warmth? Has she accepted me as one of them? Nevertheless I got my first task, it seems like a big one. I'll do my best. My phone then vibrated. I picked it up to see Jane messaged me.

Jane Connor: Why are you not home yet?

Me: Had to work late.

Jane Connor: Could've informed me? Are you safe?

Me: Yes Jane, I'm at work. I'll be home in a bit.

Jane Connor: Shall I send Taylor to pick you up?

Me: No it's fine. I'm in the mood for an evening stroll.

Jane Connor: Fine be safe and come straight home.

Me: I'm not a child Jane...

Jane Connor: You're right. Sorry.

Jane why must you treat me like a child?  I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself... I wonder if she's in her mood again? Maybe I should head home, if she is in her mood then I'll never get this assignment done.

I take my casual evening stroll through the city. I couldn't help but think someone was following me. I could catch a glimpse of someone's shadow but when I turn around there was no one there. Am I just being paranoid or did the events of last night shake me?

I hurry to Jane's apartment walking as fast as I could, not looking back. Eventually I made my way to Jane's apartment building. I enter the building with a sigh of relief. The presence I felt behind me had vanished. I entered the elevator as I use Jane's key. The door finally opened as I see her pacing back and fort.

"Where the hell have you been? " She says as she walks up to me and folds her arms.

"Coming home from work" I say not hiding the sarcasm in my voice.

"So you couldn't answer your phone during your evening stroll? " She says agitated.

"My phone didn't ring" I say pulling out my phone only to realised that the battery had died.

"Who leaves their house without charging their phone" Says Jane. She looked annoyed and aggitated. Her mood didn't change from this morning.

"Jane... I have a assignment to get done for tomorrow. I can't do this right now. I'm going back to my apartment" I say as I turn to the elevator to head out. Janr then grabbed my hand as I look back to see her staring at the floor. She looked so sad and gloomy.

"I don't know what I would do if I lose you Kate. Your safety is everything to me. I just want to make sure you're safe at all times" She says with that puppy dog face. I could tell by the look on her face that she truly meant that.

"I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a big girl" I say as I kiss her forehead.

"I won't let anything happen to you Kate. I swear" She says as she holds my hand tighter as she looks at me with those painful eyes.

Jane Connor, you look so vulnerable right now, this state you're in is like the opposite of you, don't get me wrong I like it but something tells me it's all a front to hide what happened last night. You're a little scared aren't you?  I'm a little scared too, you're gonna protect me but something tells me you're the one who'll need protecting.

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