Chapter 78

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Kate's Pov

We hopped off the jet as we see Ms. Johnson was waiting for us, we have successfully landed in Bangkok, Thailand. A whole new adventure awaited us here.

"How was your flight?" Says Helena as she greeted us.

"Fine" We both say in unison, still pissed off.

"Come on guys cheer up" She says.

"We left our friends and family behind without a single word, how can we possibly be happy?" I ask as a woman joined us.

"Well, we spoke to government officials, everything from this point on should go smoothly, here's your new ID's and passports and as per Jane's request, you keep the name Connor" She explains.

"Wouldn't everyone be able to find us if that were the case?" I say as I look at Jane.

"There are measures currently in place, the keywords 'Jane Connor and Kate Williams-Connor' will be shadowed by our Intelligence agency, we have a department for the sole purpose of shadowing your whereabouts worldwide. These officials will feed the wrong information to whoever is looking for you, for example, if your friend Anna or anyone in the world, searches the term 'Jane Connor' our government agents will feed them the wrong information about your whereabouts and location" Explained Helena.

"The secret service can do that!" I say in shock.

"You should definitely not underestimate us Mrs. Connor" She says.

"If that's the case, why not get our situation under control instead of sending us away?" What I wanted to say but didn't.

"Whereas, if anyone here in Thailand search for either of you, our intelligence agency will do the same" Explains the woman.

"You're a secret agent too?" Asked Jane.

"Yes, my name is Mia Chen, you'll be in my care for the duration of your stay here in Thailand" She explains.

"The duration of our stay? Meaning this isn't permanent right?" I ask.

"That's absolutely right, one day you will return to the U.S, only when I know it's safe for you to do so but until then, enjoy your new life here, not everyone gets a second chance at life" Explained Helena as she made her exit.

"Well, let's show you your new house, shall we?" Says Mia as she leads us to a car.

"What happens now?" Asked Jane.

"Well, now you start over, be whoever you want to be as long as you abide by the laws of the country" She explains.

"Did Helena fill you in on everything?" Says Jane.

"She definitely did, your house will be located close to Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, it's the new place of Mrs. Kate Connor's new job" She explained.

"New job?" I ask.

"Yes, starting from tomorrow, you'll be an English Teacher as well as the over-seer of the Music Club" Explained Mia.

"We don't get to choose our own profession?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not, your jobs are assigned, simply for blending in. We can't give you high ranking jobs off the bat. As example if Ms. Jane decided to create a new empire, it would be harder for our officials to keep track of the information that's leaked worldwide, cause everyone would then wonder, who's this girl? This is for safety reasons" She explains.

I mean that makes sense. If Jane were to make a big move, surely someone would notice and she'll grab attention for sure, so we got to make sure that doesn't happen.

"So what's my job?" Asked Jane.

"A barista at the University" Says Mia.

"No, I'm serious, what's my job?" She laughs.

"A barista at the University" She laughed as I burst out laughing.

"I am the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company turned barista?" She said enraged.

"That's absolutely right" She says and I giggled.

Jane Connor the barista? Oh dear god, the universe, what have you done? I guess that's fine, knowing Jane she'll use a commotion and gather attention then this whole plan would crumble. I guess it's my job now to make sure Jane doesn't take over the coffee shop and start a Thailand cafe chain and then name it Connor Coffee Stop, with locations in every capital in the world. Knowing Jane, that will definitely be her main goal. I gotta make sure that doesn't happen, we can't grab too much attention but just picturing Jane in a barista uniform with a little green apron.

-Kate's Imagination-

"Hi, welcome to *insert cafe name here* how can I take your order?" Says Jane as she smiled.

Damn just thinking about it gets me wet. This is too precious!

"What are you mumbling" Says Jane as she gave me the death stare.

"Just picturing you in a barista uniform" I say as my mouth watered.

"Well, keep picturing it because it's not happening" She says sternly.

"Oh then, a stay at home wife?" I say to her as my mouth continued to water.

-Kate's Imagination-

"Welcome home my love, I cooked and cleaned for you today, let me feed you then run you a bath. I'll give you a massage when you're done" Says Jane.

"Yes please" I say smirking.

"What the hell are you imagining!" Says Jane as I mumbled.

"You as a housewife" I say as my mouth watered.

"What the hell really goes on in that head of yours?" She laughed.

"Doesn't matter what you do Jane, as long as you're here with me. I'll always find immense joy in whatever you do" I say to her as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"So, next is your spending, Helena has given you an allowance of 1 million US, roughly here that's $3,0276,497.08 Thai Baht. It's deposited to your joint bank account, which isn't bad at all actually" She says.

"She gave us daily spending money?" Says Jane.

"Not everyone in the world is a billionaire Jane, plus I for one am quite excited to see budget" I say to her.

She then sighed in defeat as she wrapped her arms around me.

"We've arrived at your house, it's not as big as you're accustomed to but it's comfortable" Said Mia Chen.

We step out of the car as we stare at the house.

Jane and Kate's new house.

"It's a flat" Said Jane.

"Shut your face. It's beautiful, look at all the pretty trees" I smile.

"You're like a little kid that's running wild at the mall" Said Jane.

"Oh hush, thank you Mia, say thank you to the nice lady Jane" I say.

"Thank you Mia" She said with a neutral tone.

"You're welcome. Now, the university is about a five-minute walk in that direction. There's also a grocery, a 4-minute walk from here" She said as she pointed.

"Thank you" I say to her.

"Here are your new phones, your contact. As well as mine, is saved on each other's phone. If you need me, feel free to give me a call" She smiled as she walked away.

I'm almost excited about this new life, Jane on the other hand seems like a dragon ready to destroy anything in its path.

"Let's go babe" She smiled.

"Let's go" I smile as we walk towards the house.

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