Chapter 37

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Kate's Pov

My body instantly started shaking, this intense fear that befell me touched every inch of me. My heart started racing as someone touched my shoulder and I scream so loud.

"Kate" Says Jane in shock. I saw Jane and immediately started crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She says as she hugs me tight. I then told her exactly what happened as she stood there speechless.

"What the hell is your phone doing on the bed" She asks.

"No idea... the last I saw of it, it was in that cold alleyway... who was here?" I ask.

"Just mother and aunt Martinez" Says Jane.

"Is it possible that Martinez is doing this?" I ask.

"Not likely. She wouldn't do something like this" Says Jane.

"I don't trust her.." I say to Jane.

"I trust her Kate believe me when I say she had nothing to do with this" Says Jane.

"She has access to your home doesn't she?" I ask as I fold my arms.

"Yes she does, so does my mother, father and brother" Says Jane.

"Is it really a coincidence? She has motive to attack me.. both mentally and physically... I honestly can't think of anyone else" I say to her.

"What about Adelyn?" Says Jane as she folds her arms.

"She's a possible suspect" I say to Jane.

"Then maybe it's her" Says Jane.

"She doesn't have access to your home. The intruder comes in here without being noticed and she's familiar with the layout of your apartment Jane. It looks like she has a key because she can't come in here and there's no sign that a break in wad involved" I say to her.

"Ok Nancy Drew... I'll take a look at the camera's. If Martinez makes her way into your room then I'll take further actions" Says Jane.

"That's all I ask" I say to her.

"Take a shower. I'll take a look at the tape" Says Jane.

Jane then left the room as I pick the locket up and open it. It was cleaned, there was no blood stains on it whatsoever, in the locket was that picture, my dad with me in his arms. I was a couple months old when they took this picture. This locket meant so much to me I then inspect further.. there was something that bothered me... this locket... was fake... the real locket there was a dent to the bottom that wasn't noticeable without touching it... this locket had no dent to the bottom. This locket is fake. Why would someone go through the trouble of switching the locket with a fake one? Is it really just to scare me?

I put the locket down and picked my phone up. This phone was the iPhone Jane bought me. No one could have possibly tampered with it, it's locked with a fingerprint scanner, it's not possible for someone to get into it using my phone, I guess I can be thankful of Apple's security measures, I unlocked my phone and checked through it, everything seemed to be normal, my files, messages and emails weren't tampered with... that's a good sign. I put my phone down and headed to the shower. I stand there in the shower in that lovely hot water. Dammit, why can't I have hot water at my apartment? My mind then ran on Candice. Maybe I should check up on her, I'm a terrible friend.

I finish up with my shower and headed downstairs to see Jane with her laptop.

"I pulled the camera back" She says I sit next to her.

"Martinez didn't go up to your room, She didn't even leave, she was with my mother the entire time" Says Jane. She was right, Martinez didn't leave the room. Something's not adding up here.

"Do you have camera's installed in my room?" I ask.

"What kind of creep do you think I am?" Asked Jane.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" I say as I glare at her.

"Fine. I'll pull the feed back" Says Jane.

She then rewind the tape. One minute there was nothing on my bed then the locket magically appeared in the next frame.

"Is this a magic trick?" Asks Jane.

"No Nancy Drew. Look at the time. From 6:04:10pm it skipped to 6:04:50pm. 40 seconds is missing" I say to her.

"You're right Nancy. You've just been upgraded to Sherlock" Says Jane.

Jane then called the company and requested they email the tape to her. It took about 20Mins for them to send the file but they finally did.

"That was fast" I say to her as she open up the email.

She opened the file and it started playing and it was an intense moment leading up to that 40 seconds. The clip then played as my eyes widen in fear. The door then opened as a woman with a black hoodie came in... it matched the attire of that woman that I chased after in the alleyway. She threw the phone and locket on the bed and then stared at the camera. What she did next sent a chill up my smile. She waved to the camera. It lasted for about 10 seconds as she retreated outside. My teeth started chattering and my body began shaking again.

"Baby calm down" Says Jane as she grabbed my hand but I was so scared. What the hell is happening?

"I'll find her. I swear to you" She says as she holds me.

The file kept playing on Jane's computer.. I then noticed the door in my room open and the woman entered again.

"Jane" I say pointing at the screen. The woman then stood there still and she stare at the camera. Under the hoodie was pure darkness. She waved again, which lasted for about 10 seconds. The feed then froze. She then picked up the locket and exited the room. I stood there speechless...

"Ja... Jane" I say as I began shaking uncontrollably.

"Baby, It's okay" She says as she hugs me tight.

"We have to go..." I say to her as a tear fell out my eye.

"It's okay babe. I won't let her hurt you" She says.

"No.. Jane.. we have to go" I say to her as tears came out.

"Baby please calm down" She says.

I then pointed to the laptop as my finger touched the screen. Jane's eyes then widened in fear as she noticed what I was talking about. That little red box to the right hand corner of the screen marked "Live Feed". This wasn't the video file that was sent by the security company. This was a live feed to my room in real time...

"Go to the elevator Kate" Says Jane as she slowly gets up amd faces the stairway.

"What are you going to do.. come with me" I begged.

"I'll end this.. right here... right now" Says Jane as she pulls a gun out and slowly ascended the stairs.

"Jane I'm scared" I say grabbing her and begging her to come with me but she continued walking upstairs.

"Go to the elevator... now! Go to the car and drive back to your apartment. I'll take care of this" She says.

I do as she says as head to the elevator. I believe in her but what she was doing was beyond reckless. My heart told me to not leave her behind but my feet wouldn't listen. The elevator door then closed and headed down. About 10 seconds after the elevator departed the power went out as darkness took over. The power went off at a time like this!!?!!? The emergency lights then went on as a red light filled the elevator and fear filled my heart. The events that happened next chilled me to my very core!

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