Chapter 20

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Kate's Pov

"Jane" I say.

"Hello Kate" She says.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I miss you" She says.

"It was you wasn't it? You're the one who bought all the paintings of me weren't you?" I ask.

"I had to get your attention somehow, plus I don't like the idea of you hanging around some strangers wall" She says.

"Sounds possessive" I say.

"I'm just claiming my territory" She says.

"Did you come here to piss me off or does your stalker intention have a point to it?" I say as her eyes widen.

"I didn't know you were so cruel Kate. I would've never imagine" She said in a sad voice.

I kinda felt a little sorry for her, she looked like a lost puppy. Why am I feeling sorry for her? She hurt me... in a way no one has ever hurt me. I don't think I can take any more punishments.

"What do you need Jane?" I say in a softer tone.

"I need you" Was all she said as my eyes widen.

"Why me Jane?" I ask.

"We can't discuss this here, let's go to my apartment. I have Taylor on standby" She says.

"I can't just leave Jane. I'm here to show support for Jason" I say.

"Yeah but there's some stuff we need to discuss" Says Jane.

"Is this douche bothering you?" I hear Jason's voice say as he and Ryan approached.

"This is none of your business" Says Jane.

"It is when you're talking to my best friend" Says Jason as he pulled me to the back of her.

"This doesn't concern you" Says Jane.

"Kate concerns me" Says Jason.

"Why don't you just go back to your silly drawings and let the adults talk" Says Jane as Ryan stepped in.

"Hey Jason, let's go to the bar" Says Ryan to Jason but Jason was too riled up.

"You think you're all hot stuff just cause you have a lot of money, you think you could just push people around and make them move to your will like a game of chess?" Asked Jason.

"That's the difference between you and me, I don't ask for anything, I just take it, like I did Kate" Said Jane as Jason raised his fist to hit her but I grabbed his hand.

"Jane get out" I say.

"I'm not done" She says.

"You are done. I'm not asking Jane. Get out of here now" I say grinding my teeth as she watched in shock and departed as onlookers look on.

"I'm really sorry Jason" I say to him.

"Nah, it's not your fault. It's fine" He smiled.

"Well that was intense" Says Ryan.

"Jane really does cross the line sometimes" I sigh.

"Imagine if I'd hit her a few moments ago, then my entire career might be over" Says Jason.

"Well I'm very glad that didn't happen" I say as Jason led me to the bar.

"Let's forget about that, let's drink to a successful night minus the whole Jane ordeal" Says Jason.

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