Chapter 83

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2 months later

Kate's Pov

Two months has passed since I last saw Jane. She actually didn't show me her face after I told her not to. I'm glad because like I said I'm never going to forgive her for what she did. I spent all this time only writing. I've been working so hard on it to make my dreams l come true. I've moved to my new house with Anna and Kevin. Anna was one true friend who helped me to see the reality, when I had no one in my side she was always there to support me, she stayed by my side and helped me a lot. Now she's working as my full time assistant also she has became a very close friend.

"You sound obsessed and because I'm your friend I have to tell you something" Says Candice as I was talking to her.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"You used Jane Connor's name without her consent, in the novel, she's the main character who has a very dark side" Says Candice.

"Pure fiction" I say.

"And cause I'm studying to become a lawyer, I can safely say you defamed her character in this book Kate" Explains Candice.

"Oh come on, it's pure fiction" I laugh.

"There's a 10% chance, she will tell you that she read your book and find it amazing and there's also a 90% chance you're gonna be walking into a lawsuit so I need you to be mentally prepared for that" Says Candice.

"Well when you put it like that, it sounds logical" I say as I take a deep breath.

"Good, now 5 pm is in a few hours so I need you to mentally prepare for the worst Kate, maybe have a lawyer on speed dial, I'm gonna head to class" Says Candice.

"Love ya" I say to her as she left.

When I was writing this novel, part of me realized that Jane would sue me if I were to ever publish it. But this is just a fiction and I have my lawyers with me so Jane can't do anything. In a few hours, it's gonna be a celebration. I mean, Fifty Shades of Connor sold half a million copies in just a few hours.

Diamond Star Publishing Company

"Welcome back Mrs. Connor" Says my assistant Adria.

"Call me Kate" I say giving her the evil eye.

"What did I tell you about bullying our staff Kate" Says Anna as she scolded me.

"How was your vacation to Thailand" Says Adria.

"Eye-opening" I say to her.

"Well, we have a Mr. Granger here to see you, you're publishing his book next week. He's in your office" Says Adria.

"Thank you Adria, that would be all" I say to her as I enter my office.

"Mrs. Connor, good morning" Says Mr. Granger as he smiled.

"It's Ms. Williams, Kate Williams" I say as I greet him.

After the meeting, I was getting ready for the grand opening of my first novel. But all of a sudden I felt all the emotions were getting into my head. Today is such a big day of my life and Jane is not by my side anymore..

"I'm so sorry this all happened Kate" Says Anna as she walked in my office. I looked at her and tried to stay strong.

"I still can't believe it.. Jane betrayed my trust, she made a life-changing decision like that without me. I thought we had moved past her making decisions for me" I say tearing up a lil bit.

"She hasn't checked up on you since then, she hasn't called, nothing of the sort" Says Anna.

"What a way to end my perfect love story, huh?" I say wiping up my tears.

"It's not the end, it's just the beginning" Smiled Anna.

"You're right" I say to her.

"Plus, all your friends will be there to support you later for the grand opening of your first novel" Says Anna in excitement.

"Fifty Shades of Connor, huh?" I say picking up my novel.

"Exactly, now let's go get ready and head out, all your friends are waiting for you" Says Anna as she extended her hand.

I took her hand as I smile.

5 pm, The Grand Event: Fifty Shades of Connor opening

"Amazing book Kate!" Says Jason as Ryan joined us.

"The woman of the hour herself" Says Leo.

"Congratulations on your novel Kate" Says Candice and Stefan.

"Nice novel Mrs. Connor" Says a voice behind me.

"It's not Mrs. Connor, it's..." I say as I turn around.

"Hi" Says Tine and Kai.

"Tine! Kai! What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"We were invited, thought we would surprise you" Says Kai as he hugged me.

"You left us without a word after I finally started liking you" Said Tine.

"I'm very sorry, you know the circumstances" I say apologizing to him.

"We know, we're very sorry for what happened to you" Says Kai as he smacked Tine.

"Congratulations" Said Tine.

"Thanks for joining us guys" I said smiling as Anna joined us.

"You invited them, didn't you?" I say to Anna.

"Yes" Says Anna as I hugged her.

Third Person Pov

After meeting Jane Connor, Kate fell in love with her and decided the best way to embrace these feelings hidden in her heart was to write about it. The novel was an overnight success, she got 500,000 sales in hours. She finally became the famous author as she always desired to be.

But what happens next? Do Kate wants to get back to Jane one day or is she planning on divorcing her? Anna seems to get closer and closer to Kate each day. What their future holds?

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