Chapter 35

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Kate's Pov

My day went by smoothly but now it was time to head home. I had my second assignment to complete and I wanted to do that as soon as possible. I headed down to the lobby when Josh called out to me.

"Mr. Josh Trainor the editor of Key of the Stary Heavens" I say smiling.

"Oh so you knew" He says laughing.

"Yes. That's amazing. You're what I want to be" I say as he smiled.

"Adelyn seems to have taken a liking to you which is unusual. She's requested another meeting with you and Leo in the morning" He says.

"What why?" I say confused.

"No idea. I'll get it out of Leo" He says.

"I don't get why you two are so close and you barely know each other" Says Leo as he walks up to us.

"Mr. Atlas" I say as he give me a disapproving look. He always seems so uptight and cold. I wonder if he's always this way?

"Ready to go" He say to Josh.

"Yeah, just catching up with my buddy here" Says Josh as he smacks my shoulder.

"Catch up another time let's go" Says Leo as he begins to walk outside.

"Y'all have a date" I say winking at Josh.

"None of your business" Says Leo as he hears me.

"No I'm afraid I'm his bitch, I'm his assistant" He says as he teases Leo.

"Haha I see" I say as I chuckled.

"See you tomorrow Kate. 10AM in Leo's office" Says Josh as he leaves.

I then leave as well heading to my car, I then realized one of my tires was flat. That's strange. I don't remember any problems with my tyre this morning. I examine closer to see it was pierced.. seems like it was intentionally pierced.

"Everything okay?" Said as voice as I turn around. I turn around to see Adelyn with that wicked glare on her face.

"Yeah my tyre is flat" I say as she moves closer.

"Do you need a ride home?" She asks.

"No it's okay, my apartment is just uptown. I can walk" I say getting a creepier vibe than usual.

"I insist, it's not safe for a girl like you to be alone" She says.

"I'm not alone" I say.

"Very well be safe Kat" She says as she turns off and walks away.

"It's Kate" I say but she'd already walked away.

How does she show up in the nick of time? It's evident I have a stalker on my hands, I wonder if you're the stalker Adelyn.. naww that's impossible. The timeline doesn't add up. I wonder who this mystery stalker could be...

I got my bag out the car and decided to walk home. While walking home I noticed something irregular. There was this person in a black hoodie that kept walking past me. I didn't think anything of it but this was the third time. Then a fourth.. then a fifth. There wasn't going to be a sixth. She then walked passed me again so I decided to follow her. She upped her pace and I quickly followed her. She turned every corner but I followed seconds after.

She then ran as I ran with her. Who the hell is that... I then see her duck into an alleyway. I then ran after her but she disappeared. I then stop at the entrance to that creepy alleyway. It lead to the other side of the street. It was a dark cold alleyway and I knew better than to stroll in there... I then heard bottles breaking by the dumpster... I then saw something on the ground. It was so creepy and scary. My heart started racing... on the ground was my locket that my father gave me. What the hell is that doing here? That's supposed to be locked in my car.

I then walked slowly towards the locket. It was near the dumpster at the middle of that creepy alleyway... my entire being told me not to go any further but that locket meant so much to me. I couldn't leave it there. I walk slowly and slowly as I picked the locket up.

I then opened it as my eyes widen. There was blood stains in the locket I then dropped it as it fell on the ground... I then heard footsteps behind me.. I slowly turn around and there she was, the woman in the hoodie... she was about 10 steps away from me... how did she creep up behind me without me noticing? I then slowly back away. I couldn't see her face. But I can see her long black hair. My heart then skipped a beat as she ran towards me. I immediately start running to the other side of the alleyway. My phone dropped out of my hand but I didn't turn around to pick it up I just ran. I have to make it to the street. I ran as fast as I possibly could and made it out of that alleyway trying to catch my breath as people gave me a weird look. I then turn around but the woman had vanished...

"Who was that?" I heard Adelyn say.

"Adelyn.. what the hell are you doing here?" I say out of breath.

"I was following you" She says.

"Following me!" I yell.

"Who was that Kate?" She says confused.

"I don't know. I have a stalker" I say as her eyes widen.

"What? Are you okay?" She asked with a genuinely curious look on her face.

It couldn't be her could it? There's no way she could take off the black attire and make her way around that street behind me.. plus the runner would be out of breath and Adelyn had a genuinely worried look on her face. Yeah no... I'm not that naive. Now I'm certain this stalker is you. Showing up in the nick of time like you always do. All my sense tell me I should be wary of you Adelyn.

"I'm fine" I say to her.

"I'm definitely taking you home. It's not safe" She says as her extends her hand.

"No I'm okay" I say to her as I smile.

Adelyn you're not the only one that comes in the nick of time. Jane's car then pulled up.

"My ride is here" I say smiling. I then turn around to the alleyway to see if I glimpse my phone but it wasn't there. That black hooded woman must have picked it up.

"See you tomorrow" I say to Adelyn who had a displeased look on her face.

"See you tomorrow Kate" She says to me as I quickly walk to Jane's car. I then open the door and get in.

"You're late... who was that woman.. and why were you in an alleyway" Says Jane as she raises an eyebrow.

"I'll tell you later. Just please get me home" I say to her with a sigh of relief.

"Okay baby" She says as she drives off.

Jane.. the woman that comes to me in the nick of time makes her way to me, saving me from that hopeless situation.

"I've never been so happy to see you" I say to her as she smiled.

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