Chapter 52

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Jane's Pov

"Jane. What the hell is going on with Kate?" Asks Josh.

"No idea" I sigh.

"Bullshit. What's going on?" Asks Josh.

"Josh. Leave her be" Says Leo.

"I will not. I want to help her but I can't" Says Josh as he cried.

"You can't help Josh. I'm afraid this situation is so complicated and unexplainable" I say to him.

"She's hurt. I can see it in her eyes" Says Josh.

"Kate made her choice. It's a shitty one but she made it" I say to him.

"I can't watch her suffer anymore" Says Josh.

"She knows what she's doing" Says Jane.

"How are you so sure?" Asks Josh.

"I believe in her" I say as I realized the words that just came out my mouth.

"So you haven't given up on her?" Asks Josh as he smiled.

"I never said that" I say as I make my way out Leo's office as Josh smiled in relief.

Josh I just said that to make you feel better. I'm certain Kate is behind this, her IP Address, her phone logins, everything.

Kate's Pov

I head downstairs in a rage to collect my things as Adelyn greeted me.

"You look pissed. Is everything okay?" Asks Adelyn with a genuinely concerned look on her face.

"I got fired" I say as I head to my desk.

"What the fuck. Why?" Asks Adelyn in shock.

"Apparently someone hacked in Diamond Stars server and distributed all our books online" I say.

"And they think you did it?" Says Adelyn as she laughed.

"They traced it back to my IP address" I say.

"Who's they? Jane right?" Says Adelyn as she rolls her eyes.

"Yup" I say as I grab my things.

"You think she have something to do with this?" Asks Adelyn.

"It's Jane Connor. She cares about saving her own ass" I say.

"Is there anything I can do?" Says Adelyn.

"A hug would be nice" I say sighing. She then gave me a big hug as I hug her back.

"You're so warm" I whisper to her.

"Love lights a fire inside you" Says Adelyn as she let's go and peers into my eyes.

"Don't tell me the great Adelyn Knox has fallen in love with me" I say smirking.

"Keep telling yourself that" She whispered as I chuckle.

"You'll never admit to it would you" I say to her.

"Never Ms. Hacker" Says Adelyn as she winked.

"Maybe I should add that to my resumè, expert hacker" I say as she laughed.

"See you later for drinks Ms. Hacker" Says Adelyn as she departed to her office.

I gather my things as I head towards the elevator. Everyone kept looking at me with their judgy stares as I walk by.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer" I say as the elevator door opened.

I head outside as I see Leo pull up.

"Get in" He says.

"What Why?" I ask.

"Get in" He says as he opens the car door. I do as he says and enter his car as he drove off.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm taking you home. I also need to ask you some questions" Says Leo.

"What is it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I did some digging on the hacker, I just need you to answer my question. Jane registered your phone and my technician was able to decrypt the contents... My question is.. who's that hooded group you've been talking to?" Says Leo as my heart slips a beat.

"Does Josh or Jane know about this?" I say to him as I sigh.

"Not yet. How about you tell me what's really going on?" Says Leo as he drove.

"I already told you that I have nothing to do with this" I say to him.

"Well Kate. It's affecting my business as well as the mentality of my husband, so I'm very serious when I say that if you have something to do with this, you better tell me" He says as he grinds his teeth.

"I'm afraid I have nothing to say to you" I say.

"Do you hate Jane so much that you're willing to destroy her?" Says Leo.

"I would never do something like that" I say.

"Do you think this group has something to do with this? Does Jane know about this group?" Asks Leo as he stops the car.

"Yes. We've been fighting them for a while now" I say as I remove my seatbelt as I get out the car.

Jane's Pov

I arrived at Connor Enterprise to see that they've already taken down the sign. I head inside as the secretary stopped me.

"Ms. Connor. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Amy. I need to get into my office" I say.

"I'm sorry Ms. Connor but I was ordered to not let you do that" She says as she whimpers.

"Amy dear. Do not make me pull you across my leg and whip you till you" I say as whispered into her ear.

" Connor. Go on up" She says blushing.

It's good to see I can still intimidate them. I hurry up to my office as I open the door to see someone standing by the window. This person had a dark blue hoodie on as they stare outside.

"I had a feeling it was you" I say as I move closer.

"Well this game was getting a little boring so I thought I'd up the stakes. I didn't think it would work considerably in my favor" She says as she turns around.

"You played a fine game but it's now game over" I say as she removed the hoodie.

"Looks like it is. You already played the chess piece Jane, brilliant move" She says.

"The final move was made before you even made the first one" I say as she chuckled.

"There's one more you need to overcome Jane, I'm afraid I'm a lot nicer than her" She says.

"Even my shadow fears me. I fear no one" I say.

"Something's coming Jane. Something that's going to turn your world upside down, get ready cause you're at the eye of the storm" She says.

"Well that's too bad for you. I am the fucking storm" I say.

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