Chapter 79

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Kate's Pov

"The grocery is a few minutes away, let's go pick up some stuff for dinner?" I ask.

"You go ahead, I'll pack away our things" Says Jane as she kisses my forehead.

"Pasta?" I ask.

"Sure babe" She smiled.

In the contents of my phone case was a Credit Card, we got an allowance. I hope we can start saving from now plus I guess I'll be getting teachers salary from now on so money shouldn't be an issue. The only thing that worries me is that all of Jane's life, she's been around money. This would be a drastic change for her.

I stroll down the street, taking in the scenery, the air is so full of life. It's like a completely different environment here, the air is fresh and everything is quiet and the people are so friendly and warm, this is something that I can definitely get used to. I head into the grocery and they greeted me. I'll get the ingredients for pasta and head straight out and make some dinner. I walk along as someone caught my attention. There he was, this dude picking out a bouquet of roses.

He took a whiff of one of the roses as he smiled. I felt like something was pulling me towards this guy, sheer curiosity took over, it was like if the hands of fate were pulling me towards him. I then notice a few girls gather around him, is one of them his girlfriend? I doubt it...

"Can we get a picture?" Asked the girls.

"Sure" He smiled as the girl pulled out her phone.

A picture? Is he famous? Surely he has the looks, maybe a model?

They took the picture as he continued searching for the perfect rose. It took a lil while but he finally chose a bouquet, he looked at the time and gasped as he hurried to cash them.

I also took a look at the time and gasped, it was 5:40 pm, I can't believe a whole 40 minutes passed and I haven't even started getting the ingredients for my pasta. I hurried along and by the time I was done, it was already 6:23 pm. Jane is gonna murder me!

I hurry back to find Jane asleep on the couch, she slept so soundly, it would have been a sin to wake her up. I covered her up and went into the kitchen to get dinner started. After finishing up with dinner it was already 7:45 pm.

I walk into the living room to find Jane still asleep on the couch. I bent down next to her as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Is you dead?" I say while poking her face.

"fjfurfkwefjrfjruf" She said half asleep.

"I don't speak sleepy Jane my love" I say continuing to poke his face.

"I'm awake" She says yawning.

"Dinner's ready" I say as I head into the kitchen.

Jane then joined me as we sat at the table.

"I bought wine" I say as I opened the bottle.

"We're supposed to be saving money" Says Jane.

"I know but this is a special occasion" I smile.

"Occasion?" She said.

"Our first meal in a new life" I say.

"Cheers" She blushed.

"So, are you gonna barista tomorrow?" I ask as we started eating.

"Doubt it very much" She says.

"So, stay at home wife?" I ask.

"Doubt it very much either" She said.

"Then you're gonna just exist?" I say to her.

"Pretty much" She said.

"I can't force you to do what you don't wanna do but did you let them know you won't be coming in tomorrow?" I ask.

"No" She replied.

"Now that's horrible, you can't just not show up" I say to her.

"Yes I can" She said.

"At least have the decency to call them and tell them you won't be coming in" I sigh.

"Decency was never my strong suit, it was yours" She sighed.

"Fine, I'll go in tomorrow and let them know you won't be able to work, what time does our shift start?" I sigh.

"3 pm" She said.

"Well I gotta work 8 am to 3 pm tomorrow so I'll go in after my shift" I say as she looked away.

We both then ate dinner in silence as she finished up her dinner and headed straight back to the couch. Is this what our life is now Jane? Is my wife my keeper or my child?


She gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the night. It was about 11 pm and Jane hasn't come up to bed. I slowly walk downstairs to find that she fell asleep on the couch.

"Come to bed babe" I say waking her up.

"No, I'm sleeping here tonight" She bickered as she went back to sleep.

Is she really mad after having a mature conversation earlier? I then sighed as I covered her up with a blanket and headed back upstairs. Tomorrow is my first day at my new job, I'm excited yet scared out of my mind. I really do hope tomorrow goes well.


6:30 am

I got up and showered and packed a bowl of leftover pasta for lunch, Jane was still asleep on the couch.

"Hope you enjoy your day babe" I say to her kissing her forehead as she moaned in her sleep.

What's with her? Wouldn't she wake and wish her wife a good day at work?

I hurried along as I took in the beautiful atmosphere. I followed the directions on my phone as I made my way to the university. I then saw the cafe Jane was supposed to start working at 'Cafe I Love You' what a beautiful and adorable name.

I met with the principal as she gave me a look around the school and classrooms, she handed me the English syllabus which was actually easier it looked. It was basic English and I definitely knew I could teach it well.

"This is the first classroom you'll be teaching at today, if you get into any trouble, just give me a call" She smiled.

I enter the classroom to find someone sitting on my desk with his foot on my chair, it was that guy from yesterday, the bouquet of roses guy.

"Hi, excuse me" I say to him but he on the phone.

"Not now" He says as he kept talking to someone on the phone.

"Umm.... excu..." I say as he cut me off.

"I'll get you an autograph later" He said shooing me away.

The hell does this guy think he is?

"I'm the new English teacher, now get your ass off my desk and your feet off my chair" I say to him as his eyes widen in shock.

"Teacher" He says as he immediately hung up the phone.

"That's right" I say giving him the evil eye.

The tension in the air was thick, it then felt so awkward and weird, I knew I had to break the tension.

"I saw you last night at the grocery, did you buy those flowers for your girlfriend?" I say instantly regretting the words that came out my dumb mouth.

"Are you following me?" He said as he raised his eyebrow.

"No, I..." I say.

"You're a stalker" He yelled as the rest of the students walked in.

They stood there in silence as they looked at me in disgust. Their eyes marking me like I was a bandit in the night.

"Stalker" Said the guy.

What the hell is happening! This is not how I was supposed to start my new job!

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