Chapter 19

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Kate's Pov

My little vacation getaway-ish was over and I headed straight home. I open my apartment door to see Candice wasn't home. Well it was a Friday night so I guess that's expected. All I wanted to do was sleep so that's exactly what I did.
I had a great sleep last night. I slept a little too much as I awoke at 10am. I head outside to see Candice on her computer.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" She says.

"Morning" I say as I head straight to the coffee pot.

"Stefan told me Jane misses you" Says Candice.

"Good for her" I say.

"What did she do?" Asks Candice.

"Let's just say she disrespected me in an unforgivable way" I say as I fill my cup with coffee.

"Very well. If you ever need to talk about it then I'm here" Says Candice.

"Alright" I smile as I sit next to her.

Someone then knocked on the door as Candice went to answer it as I sit there deep in thought. Candice then opened the door as she let out a scream. I immediately rush to the door as my eyes widened in shock.

"What.. What is happening.. Am I dreaming?" I say in shock. Standing at my doorstep was none other than Lady Gaga.

"You must be Kate" She says as Candice stands there still shocked.

"Yes. Yes I am" I say.

"Jane misses you" She says.

"She put you up to this?" I ask.

"Yes she did, you must be really important to her" She says.

"It would seem so, come on in" I say.

"She seems to really miss you Kate" Says Candice.

"She does, I'm surprised she got in contact with me directly, I guess it's cause she's a multi-billionaire" Says Gaga.

"I don't think I can easily forgive her" I say.

"If she deserves forgiveness then she's worthy, I guess it depends on what she did wrong but I must say she's trying, I think the worst part would be if she didn't try at all" She says.

I guess she made a great point, I think the worst part really would be if she didn't try at all.

"So Kate, Jane tells me you're a big fan?" She says.

"Big fan? I'm a loyal little monster" I blush.

"I'm so happy to hear that, did you like Joanne?" She asks.

"I really did, it's so beautiful, it's like a mix of the old and the new" I blush.

"Would you like something to drink or eat Gaga?" Asks Candice.

"Oh no I'm fine, I must get going in a few" She says.

I still can't believe Jane got Lady Gaga to come here! This has to be the most amazing thing that anyone has ever done for me, Jane can't completely wipe the slate clean with this but I'll have to give her an A for effort. I don't get why she's still after me, I mean there's so many other submissive's out there for her to get a grasp on so why me? What makes me so special? There's so many other guys and girls out there that would make a better sub than me..

I spend the remainder of time with my idol Lady Gaga, she really was an amazing woman. I've followed her since 2008, its cause of her I was able to fully accept who I was, she helped me see how truly beautiful acceptance is and how amazing you feel not hiding who you are. She waved us goodbye and I felt so happy meeting her. This unexpected guest left a big smile on my face. Now I can say I met Lady Gaga and it's all because of Jane... sadly....

"Jason has a gig tonight, there's an artist convention where the artist gets to show off their work and he was chose as the main artist at the event and he's really excited. I can't make it tonight so will you go for moral support?" Asks Candice.

Jason is a man of two professions, he's an artist first, he does paintings and drawings, he's amazing at it, he also has a band called Dark Crow, that's more of a side thing, like a hobby. Jason has always supported me in everything, now is my time to support him.

"Yea definitely. I'll be there" I smile.

"Thank you" Smiles Candice as she headed out.

I spent my day at home, doing chores, watching movies. Before I knew it the entire day flew by and soon it would be time to go to Jason's event. I got ready and headed out to the gallery for the event.

I headed in not knowing what to expect, I dressed formally and took a deep breath as I walk in. There were people everywhere, all important looking and here I was, this noob with a glass of wine standing by himself in a corner but then again that was the type of guy I truly was, in a room full of people, I'd much rather be alone in my own little world. I then noticed something as the glass falls from my hand and breaks on the floor as my eyes widen and people began looking at me. Seven paintings on me hanged all around the gallery.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you okay?" Asked a waiter.

"Oh.. yes, yes I'm fine, there's lotion in my hands and my glass slipped out" I say as I was jolted back into reality.

"You're the girl from the paintings" Says the waiter.

"It would seem so" I say as I take a deep breath.

Why the hell is painting's of me hanging all around the gallery? Did Jason seriously just paint me and hang me up for everyone to see? I felt so embarrassed as people looked at me and smiled. I was the girl from the picture. I really wish Jason would've run this by me.

"Surprise" Says Jason's voice behind me.

"Jason. Why would you do that?" I say.

"You're beautiful Kate, no need to hide that" Says Jason.

"I really wish you'd ask me first before you hung these up" I sigh.

"Do you like them?" Asks Jason as he looked a bit sad.

"Yes of course I do, your work is as beautiful as ever" I smiled.

"Thank you, someone bought all seven at a extremely high price" Says Jason.

"What? You sold them? I don't want my picture hanging on some strangers wall" I say in shock.

"The buyer is hardly a stranger, come I'd like to introduce you to my date" Says Jason as he leads me to the back.

"No way, Ryan.. " I say as I see Ryan standing there.

"This is my date, I believe you both are already acquainted" Says Jason.

"Hey lil sis" Says Ryan with that hot-shot smile.

Ryan Haynes, the son of the Haynes family who owns the hardware I worked at. He's been like a brother to me all these years.

"What a surprise" I say in shock.

"I know right?" He says laughing.

"If you break his heart I'll dissect your balls" I said to Ryan.

"I won't. I promise" Says Ryan.

"Now who bought the paintings?" I ask.

"The buyer is outside. She's by the open bar" Says Jason.

I then head out to the bar and there she was, the one and only Ms. Jane Connor...

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