Chapter 77

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10 am, Connor Enterprises

Third Person Pov

"Thank you Jerica" Says Jane as she gives her a cup of coffee.

"Someone is on the call for you" Says Jerica.

"Okay, I'll get it" Says Jane as Jerica left.

"Hello" Says Jane.

"Ms. Connor, I'm Helena Johnson, your secret agent from Central Intelligence Agency. I need a moment of your time. Can you come in?" She asks.

"May I ask what this is regarding?" She asks.

"It's a matter that cannot be discussed over the phone" She continued.

"Sure, I'll see you at 1pm today, I'm free in that time" Jane said as she hangs up.

10 am - Diamond Star Publishing Company

"Mr. Noah, the publisher of the hit novel. The Department of Purgatory" Says Kate.

"Mrs. Connor, I've heard good things about you" Says Noah.

"Well, new works from our previous authors are always welcomed. Josh was your publisher right?" Asks Kate.

"Yes, now I have come to discuss my new project with you" He says.

"Yes, right. I'll be happy to hear you out" Says Kate as her phone started ringing.

"One moment" She continued as she answered.

"Good day, is this Ms. Kate Connor?" Said the woman.

"Yes this is her" Says Kate.

"This is Helena, secret agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, there's a situation that's developed and we need your cooperation" She continued.

"Sure, how can I help?" Says Kate.

She then gave Kate some coordinates as the call ended. It was a coffee shop downtown.

"I'm sorry Mr. Noah, a situation popped up. I'm afraid you'll have to wait on other author. I'll text them and let them know you're here" Says Kate apologetically. 

"It's fine Mrs. Connor, thank you for your time" Smiled Noah.

Kate's Pov

What's going on? Why did Helena called a emergency meeting? Whatever it is, it definitely doesn't sound good.

I hurry along to the coffee shop as I see Taylor.

"Taylor" I say surprisingly.

"Mrs. Connor, you were called too?" Says Taylor.

"You were summoned as well?" I ask.

"Yes along with Ms. Jane, she's inside waiting for you, come let me take you to her" Says Taylor as he opened the door.

I head into the shop as I see a few people around and a couple of men standing guard at the door. Taylor led me to the table where Jane was sitting.

"Hello Mrs. Connor" Said Helena as I sat.

"Hello" I say as I looked at Jane.

She also had a confused look on her face.

"What's this about?" Asked Jane.

"And also, why is someone of your stature causally asking us to meet at a coffee shop?" I ask.

"Don't worry, every customer that you see here are spies. We have full privacy" She explains.

"So what's going on?" I ask.

"The interview, the murder of the interviewer and attack on you. Well everyone knows about that by now. But the murderers are still roaming around free, even special FBI agents are failed to catch them. I can tell that this secret society you told me about, is very strong and powerful. They are still out there looking ways to murder you" She says.

"We know all of that, that's why I hired you to keep us safe" Said Jane.

"Ms. Connor, I'm doing everything I can to keep you safe. But I'm afraid this is not enough to make them stop trying to kill you" Said Helena.

"We destroyed our marriage publicly. We tried to act as if we hate each other and want to get divorce. As you suggested I even had sex with someone else, so we can leak that sextape and people start thinking that I cheated on Jane. And it's over between us for good. But how long do we have to do all this. Why can't I live a normal life with my wife!" Asks Kate as Jane holds her hand to calm her down.

"I can understand how hard it is for you guys but it was necessary in order to save your life. We had to show them that you're not a couple anymore so they leave you guys alone. But our detectives has informed us that the murderers has been seen recently outside your house and office. They're planning on attack you again" Says Helena.

"What??!!" Asks Jane.

"Yes, I think now their main target is to kill you and they don't care if you guys are still together or not. I spoke to other detectives about this case and they said, this secret society isn't gonna go away this easily without achieving their main goal. The only thing I saw was your undying love and protecting for each other. So I want you to be safe" She explained.

"What exactly do you want us to do now Miss Johnson?" Asked Jane.

"I want you to disappear and never return to the U.S under any circumstances" She says as our eyes widen.

"What the hell is that crap?" Says Jane.

"The only way to save your life is to fly away to another country and never look back. Don't tell a single person you're leaving. This is the only way you can live as a normal couple without any fear of getting killed" Says Helena in a serious tone.

"This seems unreasonable"  Jane says in shock.

"I'm afraid you have no say in this, you have no choice but to comply" She warned.

"And if we don't?" Warned Jane.

"I'm sorry. Can I get a minute alone with my wife?" I say breaking the tension.

"Sure, you have a few minutes to decide, just remember, the lives of you two is in your own hands" She says as she walks to the barista.


"Jane, we're doing this" I warned.

"I'll lose everything I've ever accomplished Kate" Says Jane.

"So your empire is more important than our life?" I ask.

"No, but.." She says.

"There are no buts. We are doing this" I say looking her dead in the eye.

"We're doing this" She sighed as I nodded to Helena.

...and just like that our plan began, we were both worried but Jane caved faster than I, thank god I was there to calm her down, like what would she do without me?


"Where are we off to Jane?" Asks Kate.

"Bangkok, Thailand" Says Jane.

"It's me and you against the world now" Says Kate.

"I'm curious to be just Jane now, I'm so used to being Ms. Connor" Says Jane.

"Here's to the birth of Jane and Kate" Says Kate as she takes Jane's hand.

"Here's to a new adventure" Says Jane as they enter the jet.

A life of money and fame has ended, a new life and experience is born anew, how will Jane deal with the life of regular working wife?

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