Chapter 82

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6 months later

Kate's Pov

After Jane proclaimed her dominance over Tine, Tine started respecting me. Kai told me that Tine always wanted what Jane and I had. I guess it showed us both in a new light. School life became easier after that, it was like a do-over and so... 6 Months had passed since then.

"A field trip?" Asked Tine as the class stared on.

"Yes a field trip, you guys have been so distant with each other lately. So we need a bonding exercise" I say excitedly.

"Where are we going?" Asked Mann.

"It's a secret" I say.

"Is the principal gonna let you take us somewhere secret and what are we 10?" Says Tine.

"Come on, be excited. It'll be fun, pack extra clothes and a towel plus, Jane and Kai will be there" I say as Tine gasped.

"He didn't tell me" Says Tine.

"Surprise! Also, you're all allowed to bring your boyfriend or girlfriend on this trip or a friend" I say as they yell in excitement.

"Are the rest of your classes taking this trip too?" Asked a student.

"Just us" I say.

This is gonna be an interesting trip, let's hope everything goes as plans.

10:00 am, The day of the Field trip

"I did a headcount, everyone is here" Says Mann.

"Let's do it" I smile as Jane followed me to the bus.

"You still haven't told them where we're going have you?" Whispered Jane.

"If I told them then they would have said no" I say to him.

"You didn't give them a choice my love, maybe some of them will hate you for it" She says as she kissed my cheeks.

I look behind us to see Tine fast asleep on Kai's shoulder as Kai saw me and giggled. 6 months has passed now and Tine opened up and let his guard down around us. He's been spending a lot of time with Jane and Kai has been spending a lot of time with me. At first I was worried, thinking Jane is gonna lead him down a dark perverted path but I was wrong. Jane was quite mature and actually has been giving him good advice about love and life.

I look at Jane as she smiled and held my hand on the bus. When I came here I was so worried if everything was gonna go well, at first it didn't but now. It's the most perfect life I can think of, even tho I miss my family and friends too much, only if they were here too. Also my dream of become a well known author maybe that's never gonna come true.. which makes me way too sad sometimes. But again I'm doing this for Jane and I and our relationship. Jane is continuously so laid back now. She's not Jane Connor the CEO, she's just Jane. I'm so grateful for these past few months and just like that, I fell asleep on Jane's shoulder.

12:00 am

"Babe wake up, we're here" Says Jane as she shook me awake.

I was awoken to confusion as the students caused an uproar.

"Mrs. Connor! What the hell is this!" Says a student with pure shock on his face.

"You're kidding right" Says Tine as he gulped.

"Everyone, out" I say as they follow me out the bus.

~Shady Pines Graveyard~

"I can't believe you took us here, we trusted you" Said Tine trying to hold back the tears.

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