Chapter 75

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Kate's Pov

I've accepted my darkness and was pulled into the light. I gave up many times and was reminded I'm not alone, this time is no different. I'm not alone, I cannot waver and I will not fear. If death comes for me, I will not go.

As Josh fell to the ground I shudder in fear. What the hell just happened? What the hell did I just do! I started breathing heavily as Josh laid on the floor with blushing gushing out of him.

"Ka....te..." He says as he struggled.

"Josh" I said breathing heavily.

"Run" He says as a tear falls out his eye.

"Seems like we didn't have to come find you, you came to us" Said Elijah as he walked out from the shadows.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Let's not do this, we were already paid to kill you so the small talk isn't necessary" Said Lucas.

"Whatever you're being paid. I'll double it, just let us go" I said.

"Us?" Said Lucas as he looked at Josh.

He then looked me dead in the eye as he shot Josh right on the shoulder as he screamed from the top of his lungs.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I scream.

"We were hired to make sure the involvement of Mrs. Sparks remained hidden. You were warned about the consequences beforehand, yet you did it anyway, if only you kept your pretty little mouth shut, none of this would have happened" He said as he sighed and raised his gun.

"Please don't" I begged.

"It's already done" Whispered Elijah's voice behind me as I felt a blade pierce right through my chest as I fall to my knees in shock as Josh struggled. I then look over to Leona who looked very much dead.

At the corner of my eye, I notice a shadow, it was a silhouette of someone, Lucas then joined Elijah as they started talking. I continued looking at the silhouette to see it was Jerica. She peeked over at Leona as her expression changed, she was in shock, she then looked over at me as she noticed I was stabbed, her face was then filled with rage, it was the type of rage I knew all too well, the type that rushes forward without thinking, she took one step forward as I nod my head warning her to stay away. She hesitated for a few then took a step backward hiding in the shadows, that's right Jerica, do not get involved with this, it'll cost you your life. I then got up as I looked at Lucas.

"Don't look at me like that. You knew exactly what would happen" He said.

"Why do you think you should control who lives and dies?" I ask as I stand up.

"We were simply hired for a job Kate, that's all there is to it" Said Lucas.

"You're playing god" I say to them.

Elijah then picked up his phone as he sighed.

"Jane is 10 minutes away" Says Elijah.

"Then we should end this quickly" Says Lucas.

"We should probably tell you one thing before you die Kate" Says Lucas.

"What is it?" I say as I cover my chest.

There was blood seeping through.

"We are gonna kill Jane and send her to you pretty soon as well. At first Ms. Martinez only paid us to kill you but then she changed her mind and decided to kill your dearest wife as well" Said Lucas as he laughed.

"Martinez.." I say.

"Both of you are gonna pay for your deeds" Said Lucas, smirking.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Shoot her already, she's buying time. Jane will be here soon" Warned Elijah.

Come Jane, please save me. I need you now more than ever.

I closed my eyes. I'm not afraid. Jane will come, she'll come.

"Kate Williams, you must die" Says Lucas as he raised the gun at me.

Jane's Pov

"Hurry it up!" I yell at Taylor as the heavy rain hits the car.

This traffic is impossible! What the hell is going on, I should have never left Kate alone.

"We won't make it in time Mrs. Connor" Said Taylor as the traffic got worse.

I'm about 10 minutes from my apartment. I opened the door as the rain hit me hard, I decided to run. Please make it in time, what the hell is going on there! Kate, Josh or Anna wasn't picking up. Stefan managed to answer but told me, he, Candice, Ryan, and Jason left early. I asked him to head back to the apartment but he was also stuck in traffic. I have a very bad feeling about this. It took about 15 minutes but I finally arrive at the building out of breath, I hurry upstairs to the elevator as I see blood stains on the ground. What the hell? Who's blood was this and how come no one noticed?

I hurry up to the apartment as the elevator door opened. There was a blood everywhere. I run into the room as I see Leona and Josh on the floor, they had no pulse, they were dead, I then see Kate lying on the floor as one of the man was pointing a gun at her.

"Kate!!" I yell.

"Jane.." She said in pain. He was pointing his gun at her and he could shot her any moment. I have to save her. I bring out my gun from my pocket and pointed it towards him as he backed away.

"Stay the fuck away my wife or I'm gonna fucking shoot you in the head!" I yelled in rage as I walked towards him.

He and the other man got scared and ran out of the building.. I couldn't catch them because Kate called my name, I look to see her but she passed out.

"Kate.. baby, wake up!!" I started shaking her but no response.

I peered over to the door to see the cops busting in.

"Kate!!!" I kept calling for her as tears were streaming down my face.

The cops then pointed the gun towards me as I raise my hands into the air.

"Jane Connor, you are under arrest" Said the man as he knocked me to the floor and handcuffed me as Stefan, Candice, Jason and Ryan made their arrival, along with Taylor.


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