Chapter 39

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Kate's Pov

Josh, my heart tells me I can trust you and I strongly believe you can help me. I've made up my mind to tell you what's going on. I take a deep breath.

"Josh.. there's some I need to.." I say before my phone interrupted as it beeped in my pocket.

"Everything okay?" Asks Josh. I then take my phone out to see I got a message.

~from unknown: Loose Lips sinks ships Ms. Williams.

What the hell? Loose lips sinks ships? How did they know I was about to talk to Josh... the phone... voice recorder... so it was tampered with... that's the only reason.. right... I then look around to see if I saw anyone, maybe they saw me talking to Josh and decided to send me this... I look around and saw no one.

Moments later I saw Ricardo and Anna walking towards us.

"Yo" Says Ricardo.

"You two. What are you doing up here?" I ask baffled.

"We came to give Mr. Atlas the final draft of Key of the Stary Heavens" Says Anna.

"He's right in the office. Go ahead" Says Josh as he smiled. They both then headed to Leo's office as they smile at me.

Well... the only possible explanation is my phone, someone could have possibly tampered with it, maybe installing a voice recording bug?

"So what is it that you needed Kate?" Asks Josh.

I should tell you Josh. I could really use your help but what if they harm Jane? If they do then I wouldn't forgive myself.

"So?" Asks Josh. I can't tell you Josh... Jane's life is in my hands...

"Um.. I received a strange message from one of my friends, he told me to decode the message. It's a sentence but it doesn't make sense. I can't tell you what the message is but is there anything I could look for?" I ask.

"Sounds like a Double Entendre" Says Josh.

"A double entendre?" I ask.

"It's a particular way the wording is devised and understood. One meaning is obvious but the other meaning is quite tough and requires some thought and focus" Says Josh. No wonder you're a editor Josh..

"That makes sense" I say.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Asked Josh.

"Everything's fine. I have to go now" I say to him.

"You can have the day off because of this emergency but I won't cover for you next time. Leo ate my ear about that. There's no next time.. Okay?" He says as he hits me that kind smile.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it" I say smiling at him.

You really are a nice guy Josh. I hurry to the elevator and head to the car. I borrowed Jane's car while the tyre repair guy fixes mine. I jump into her car as I pulled my phone out. I grab a pen and a piece of paper. I then read the cryptic text I received. This is where I counter you. You may scare me and you may attack me but you'll never defeat me. Hear my battle cry. This is my counter attack signal. You will not phase me. I'm too smart for you.

"The Grey Velvet sky will take the pain away" I then remembered what Josh said, something like this can have two meanings, a obvious meaning and a technical meaning.

"The grey" I guess is a sad or depressed state. "Velvet Sky" velvet a material and a sky. Velvet is usually a soft type of material. Soft and Sky? What does those two things have in common... the clouds!!!

"Will take the pain away" the sad clouds... a gloomy day? A rainy day... when the sun comes out it'll take the pain away... a storm? After the storm the sun will come out. That's it. After the storm the sun will come out.. so that's the obvious meaning... now for the technical meaning.

I then heard knocking on my window as I jumped. I then see Adelyn standing outside. I got the window down as she smiled.

"Josh said you won't be working today. Is something the matter?" Asks Adelyn.

"Yes. I'm afraid something urgent came up that requires my attention" I say to her.

"Something more important than your job?" She says as she raises an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid so" I say to her as she sighs.

"Well I do hope you consider my offer and become my Secretary. Your skills will be wasted as a mere intern" Says Adelyn.

"Yes indeed. I'll give it some thought" I say to her.

"Just remember. Interns aren't paid but secretaries are" Says Adelyn.

"I'll keep that in mind. I'm afraid I have to go now" I say to her.

"The grey velvet sky will take the pain away. Are you writing a poem Kate?" Says Adelyn as she stares at the note on my lap.

"Something like that" I say as I turn the paper around.

"Sounds morbid" She says as she steps back.

"It truly is" I say.

"Well I'll let you go for now. Be safe" She said as she gave me that wicked smile and walked away. I rolled up the glass and turned the paper around to finish the puzzle.

"The grey velvet sky will take the pain away" Now for the technical part. "The grey"... obviously has to be referring to Jane because grey is her favorite color.. "Velvet sky"... what could that mean? Velvet the material, sky... up? High? Roof? The ceiling? "Will take the pain away"... I pondered on that for a little while but couldn't figure out what they were receding to. I have to focus. I can't lose hope now. Come on Kate. You can do it.

Velvet Sky.. will take the pain away... soft material? Up high?... will take... the... pain... wait... pain?

Flashback: "Pain is my pleasure" Says Jane...

Velvet... red... pain... room... The Red Room of Pain... The playroom... Jane.. It's not possible they took you out of the apartment... employees and the lobby cam would notice.. therefore... you're in your playroom...

It all started making sense. The Grey velvet sky will take the pain away... My phone then started beeping.

~message from unknown: Judging by that expression on your face... it seems you finally figured it out Kate _tap to reply_

Tap to reply? That wasn't there before...

Kate: you can see me, can't you?

Unknown: yes I can. My eyes are always on you..

Kate: what do you want?

Unknown: I want you Kate.

Kate: I'm already spoken for.

Unknown: then we'll just have to get her out of the picture now won't we?

Kate: don't hurt her!

Unknown: I will do more than hurt her... now that you figured out where she is.. I suggest you hurry...

Kate: or what? You'll hurt her?

Unknown: as luck would have it. I won't need to.

Kate: what does that mean?

Unknown: it means Kate, you're not the only one looking for Jane. That girl already has a head start... now the question is.. who will reach to Jane first.. you... or her... here's a little bonus info... she's already there.

"Her" who's that her that this person is referring to? Reading that sent a chill up my spine.. she's right... my gut feeling tells me I need to hurry!

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