Chapter XIX: The Duke's departure

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After we make up and I try to sober up Christina, I am able to convince both Mrs. Maxwell and Christina to ride back with me to Arlington Park. Aunt Emma is still fed up with me, that's for sure. That will take some time to heal and I cannot blame her really. The disturbance I caused still shames me, though Christina seems to have forgiven me already. I can't get her mental breakdown out of my head though and I shiver because of the power I have over her. Automatically my hand searches hers, but then I realize I don't want to give her any false hopes, so I drop down my hand in my lap. This new situation will take some time to get used to for me as well, I fear.

When we arrive at Arlington Park Liam is already sitting on the porch with his head in his hands. When he hears the carriage arrive, I see him look up hopefully and then he laughs relieved. Before the coachman can open the coach, he pulls open the door and swirls his sister out of it in an uncultivated embrace. 'You scared me to death,' he exclaims, while giving his sister a big kiss. 'Please, don't ever put me through that again. I was about to lose my mind. I really don't know what I would have done if Elizabeth had not found you.'

Christina silences him with her long slender index finger to his lips. 'Let's take it inside, brother.' She walks past him, but Liam turns to me first.

'My dear Elizabeth, I don't know how I can thank you for all that you have done for me.'

'Don't thank me, Liam. Your happiness is its own reward. Besides, I care for Christina as well. I am happy she is back home again and in good health.' Aunt Emma raises an eyebrow unconvinced, but I ignore her. Smoothing things up with her will have to wait. I will show her in the end who's right.

'Can't I get you anything, while you wait?'

'I am afraid I am not waiting at all. I must return home now, since I have been away on my own for too long already. Besides, you and your sister have a lot of talking to do. And that's up to the two of you. I don't want to interfere.'

Liam takes me in his muscular arms and steals a quick kiss. His small tender lips leave a warm mark on my lips and I just wish that his lips could linger there for a while. His sister dared to prolong our kiss, why can't he? He tastes the same as Christina did and that makes me long for so much more. I blush suddenly, when I remember that burning feeling from yesterday. I don't want to think about that now. Not at all. I must be traumatized or something. Suddenly I can't stand to look at Christina, though I see her cocking her head a bit as if she's aware of what just passed through me.

I try to shake it off, while Liam says: 'That kiss is for helping me out today. I hope that one day I will repay this debt.'

I caress his face fondly. 'Make it up with your sister. That's all I am asking for.' He puts a kiss to the inside of my wrist and all of a sudden I picture Christina doing the same thing. Her eyes are on fire. Her lips turned into a tentative smile. In a reflex I pull myself free and Liam tilts his head quizzically.

'Did I do something wrong?'

I rub my forehead, since my head suddenly begins to throb. 'No, I am just tired. I didn't sleep much last night, since nightmares kept plaguing me.' Now I shift my head in Christina's direction, since she audibly gasps sympathetically. Our eyes meet and all of a sudden I don't want to leave. I want to be the one talking to her. There's still so much left unsaid.

Liam beckons his housekeeper to come. 'Mrs. Brown will guide you home.'

'No, that's not necessary. I will be fine.'

Liam shakes his head resolutely. 'No, that's the least I can do for your help. In addition, I don't want to worry now about you getting hurt underway. I have had my dosage of worries, thank you very much.'

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