Chapter XLV: Decisions must me made

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My heart hammers in my chest, while I feel my head spin. My whole world falls apart right this second. There is no way I can make up an excuse for what Naomi has seen. No way out. Our relationship is in the open and it's up to Naomi what she will do with this scandalous information. I keep cursing myself for being so uncareful. If I had just followed my reason instead of my heart, we would have made it to Mary-Ann's wedding without any trouble. And after that we would have been able to go, where we would have wanted to go. If only I had tamed my passions for one lousy week...

But then again: I thought that Naomi would have backed off after our nice conversation this afternoon. I have told her all she wanted to know and she seemed alright with our relationship in the end. But still, she decided to follow us like a bloodhound on a trail. She did not trust me to invite her to the next party. No, she took matters into her own hands and followed us here. It feels like an intrusion on my privacy and I am really worked up about that.

So, while anger and shame fight for priority, I take a swift look at my lover, who's for the first time since I have known her completely speechless. All the colour has left her face, while her eyes protrude with terror. I can see her nude body tremble and suddenly my anger rises above my shame. Naomi has caused her anguish and she will pay for that.

'What the Hell are you doing here?' I snarl, while grabbing my petticoat from the ground and pulling it on. After wearing clothes again, I feel a bit better. Not as vulnerable as before.

'I wanted... I had to...' It gives me a slight pleasure Naomi is just as confused and flabbergasted as we are.

'You were stalking us? Following us around as a hunter is his next kill?'

'I had to see for myself.'

'Well, I hope you're happy now.'

'I just had to see for myself,' Naomi repeats wearily.

I throw Christina's clothes to her, while I dress myself further still rapidly. Naomi is still not looking at me and sniffs almost inaudibly. I can see now she is dripping wet. I guess she must have followed us on her horse through the rain. She will stop for nothing to get a good story. She would make a wonderful reporter after all. Although she has to be a little bit more talkative after making a grand discovery. Now she's forming words and swallowing them back in, like a fish out of the water.

When I am dressed, I kiss Christina goodbye and say: 'I need to talk to my sister alone for a bit. Don't follow us.'

'Mustn't I be there as well?'

'No, this I want to do by myself.'

She sees the anger in my eyes and says softly: 'Remember, she is your sister.'

I ignore her and grab Naomi roughly by her elbow, while throning her out of the room and downstairs again. I rudely push her to the door and say: 'Walk away now.'

'No, I will not walk away. Not after you tell me what the Hell is going on.'

'You're the writer. Use your imagination. Connect the dots. Really, there is nothing to tell. What you witnessed says it all, doesn't it?'

'So, I was right about the two of you?'

'Well done, Scotland Yard. My compliments to your detective skills.'

Naomi looks hurt. 'Why are you mad? I'm the one being lied to! I am the one you will bring into ruin by acting this way. I feared already that the secret you were carrying with you was something as large as this. But still, Elizabeth, I meant what I said. I am not going to sell you out. You're my sister.'

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