Chapter XXI: Showdown

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The drive back to the Cavendishes is definitely shorter in Christina's carriage than without a saddle on a horseback. And it's definitely more pleasant. We talk a little bit more about Christina's former lovers and I finally get the idea she's honest to me about who she really is. That makes me respect her even more, though I beforehand thought it would scare me away. She notices the change in my behaviour also and that stimulates her even more to be open and frank with me. Her trust in me is growing once again and I am truly happy it is.

When we arrive Christina's coachman offers me his hand and I clumsily step outside, as I am trying to strain my legs as little as possible. I almost let him carry my whole weight as Christina descends light-footedly after me, saying: 'Bloody Hell, if you could be any slower, we would be in time for the next dance here.'

I give her a reproachful look and she relieves her coachman from my weight by holding me herself. He quickly takes back the reins as if he is afraid that he might carry me inside as well. 'Very funny,' I sigh.

'Just having a bit of fun, love.'

'Yes, you laugh all you want. My legs are really killing me.'

'Perhaps this will prevent you from wandering off like that again, hm?'

'Yes, maman. It will. I have learned my lesson.'

She smiles seductively and wants to make a snappy comeback once again, but then her gaze darkens as she sees someone coming outside. I fear that it's my maman or papan, but when I turn around it seems the snake has slithered out of her hole. Here comes my enemy.

'Elizabeth, we were so worried,' says Diana's pretentious voice behind me, while I turn my back to her, not willing to see her gloating face. I suddenly become aware of how close Christina and I are standing once more and I subtly take a step away from Christina in turning around to face my nemesis. To my surprise Christina takes a step as well, putting me protectively behind her back.

'Your worry is misplaced, since I am all right.'

'I can see that now, but you mustn't wonder off like that. It makes people wonder.' Her sneaky eyes slide from me to Christina and back again. I can see the joy growing in her countenance. This for her is like winning the lottery: me cowering behind Christina's back and she defending me.

As if she is seeing Christina for the first time, Diana curtsies and says flatteringly: 'Princess Arlington, how glad I am that you found time to join us after all.'

'So, you're Diana Mornington? We haven't officially met before.' She gives me a questioning look over her shoulder and I curtly nod my head. 'Lady Le Bon has told me many things about you.' I am glad she uses my official addressing title, since our first name basis would only amuse Diana more.

Christina's words surprise Diana, but she regains her composure swiftly. 'I hope those are all good things?'

'It seems you've been keeping a close watch on my friend here. I think I am obliged to thank you for your care, when it concerns my family.'

'I don't know what you're talking about, Princess.' Her artificial sweet words almost make me vomit. Luckily, Christina is not misled by her act.

'O, I think you understand me perfectly well, but since we're here now: let me explain. It is no secret you're quite fond of my brother, though I'll leave it in the middle if you really fancy my brother or the title that comes with marrying him.' Diana turns crimson and I don't know if it is due to shame or anger. 'But since he chose Lady Le Bon, you've been desperately trying to make him see she's unfit to be his wife. Am I right thus far?'

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