Chapter XL: Back to the cabin

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I hide myself behind my door, since I have turned so crimson Naomi must have seen something even though I am still hiding in the darkness of my room. I curse myself for letting her come this far, but it is good knowing her suspicions. Now these are out in the open, Christina and I must be even more careful with our meetings. Midnight romances are for now out of the question. I can't have Naomi display our relationship to the world though. Not now. Not now we're so close to getting away from it all. So, best to keep her in the dark until then.

I fake a laugh and say suppressing any tremors of my voice, which could give me away: 'Bravo, you've figured it out. Christina and I are totally in love with one another. It was she you saw hurrying away.'

'It was?' Naomi sounds not too convinced of it all herself. That's perfect. When she has no proof I can rattle her cage a bit.

'No, of course it wasn't, you daft dimbo. Do you actually think I could love another woman!' I close my eyes and ask Christina silently for forgiveness. 'You've gone too far this time, Naomi. This is outrageous! You're just like Diana Mornington! You're too carried away with your feeble imagination to see the truth! Christina and I have built a wonderful friendship and everybody seems to judge us for that. It is disgusting.'

'Then explain to me. Who was it, if not she? The Princess is the only one who makes sense to it all. She forms the perfect answer to every question I have asked you. You, living at Arlington Park to take care of her wounds. You, riding off to the Docks alone with her! All the fights that have arisen amongst you, the Duke and the Princess. You, staying away in a storm with her. All of my questions have only one answer: Princess Arlington. If it is not her, then prove me otherwise.'

'I don't feel like proving anything. This is outrageous and I don't feel like talking with someone who has such violent and disgraceful thoughts. When you have come to your senses, I will speak with you again.'

'Look me in the eye, Elizabeth, and tell me you are not seeing her.'

I take a deep breath and turn around. As acidulous as I can manage I snarl: 'I am not dating Christina.'

We stare at one another for a few exciting seconds and then Naomi says: 'Have it your way. I will find proof that you do and I will tell our parents about it. For it is obvious to me that you will definitely bring ruin to us all.'

'Good luck finding evidence that does not exist. Perhaps you can start a detective club with Diana Mornington, since she's also keen on ruining me.'

'I don't want to ruin you. I only want to prevent you from ruining us.'

'Good luck then, Scotland Yard.' Naomi pulls her foot away and this time I am able to slam the door closed. I don't care if anyone heard it. I don't care about anything except for Naomi's obvious breathing down our necks. Christina and I are so close. We cannot be outed. Not now. God, please not now. I feel tears rising as I sit down on my bed, looking at my trembling hands. As they find their ways down my cheek, I think feverishly.

I know Naomi too well. She will start an investigation and sooner or later she will discover something that we cannot repudiate. The wedding of the Morningtons is not until the beginning of July, which leaves only two weeks to bridge. I must find a way to keep Naomi busy during those agonizingly long fourteen days, so she cannot research my comings and goings. We must survive these two weeks without my sister constantly watching me. After that it does not matter anymore what she discovers, since we will be long gone by then.

But how to keep my sister busy? When she's on to something, she will not let go that easily. She's a Pitbull terrier in that way. Once her jaws enclose you, you will not break free that easily. But I have to and I can only achieve that by turning her attention to

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