Chapter XVI: True love finds its way

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Christina notices me first, because she curses loudly and rolls off of Mrs. Ellingway directly. She covers her naked body with the bedsheets with a head as red as a lobster. She looks at me ashamed and guiltily, while snarling at me: 'Ever heard of knocking?'

I can't give her an answer just yet. I look at them astonished and quite frankly repulsed. They say a bull loses his mind, when you wave a red flag in front of his eyes. This situation is sort of the same for me, only my red flag exists of a beautiful married woman, who waves at me embarrassedly not noticing how I shoot thunder with my eyes. 'You didn't tell me we had another guest tonight, love,' she says to Christina, who is turning more crimson with every second that passes. And that's what makes me snap.

I take Mrs. Ellingway's dress from the ground and throw it with force towards the bed. This has the desired effect. Sue Ellingway cowers under my furious stare and quickly dresses herself. 'Get out!' I snarl with clenched fists.

Christina turns on me outraged. 'I beg your pardon? Have you lost it completely?'

'Not you, her. She leaves. Right now.'

I don't know how I must look in her eyes, but Sue Ellingway breaks a record dressing swiftly, I fancy. If it wasn't for her sharing my woman's bed, I would think it all very amusing. Now I don't though. I cannot wait for this intruder to leave the room. This was not what I had in mind, when picturing me coming out to Christina. I never thought I would have to fight for her affection, especially not with this married woman.

Christina holds out her hand warningly to her ex. 'Who are you to storm in like this and order my guests out?' she snaps. 'Leave yourself. We were in the middle of something here.' I try to ignore Christina's naked body and I am glad I can hide behind my anger to cover up my blushes.

'Christina, I swear to God, remove this woman immediately or I...'

'I what?' she cries out. 'This is my room, Elizabeth.' Her calling out my name is never a good sign. Then she's getting mad as well. 'And this is my life as well for that matter. I decide whom I will make love to.'

Mrs. Ellingway is getting smaller and smaller with the minute and she hastily says: 'I am going to take a stroll, love, while you two work things out.' She bows her head, while walking past me and then quickly leaves us alone to our anger before Christina can call her back.

'Great!' Christina snarls. 'Now she's gone. Happy now?' She starts to dress with brusque movements, while I respectfully avert my eyes. 'Can't I even enjoy my birthday presents now?'

'I am looking out for you. That woman is not right for you. She broke your heart once.'

It sounds meek even to me and I cannot blame Christina for screaming out in frustration. 'I am not looking for love. I am done with that. I am just trying to forget, while having fun with another. And clearly, I am not allowed to do that either.'

'You know she is married. Why have an affair with her? There are tons of other girls to have some fun with.'

'That's not really your business, now is it? Will you please tell me now why you interrupted us so impolitely?'

'I needed to speak to you desperately. It could not wait.'

Christina snorts and lights a cigarette with trembling fingers. 'You want to rub into my face that you're soon to be my brother's wife? You want to break my heart again and also stamp on it?'

'No, not at all. I expressed myself all wrong, when I spoke to you before.'

'No, you did not. It is all crystal clear and strangely, I even understand you. Your prince charming is back in town and now you can live your wonderful life together. Well, I am happy for you. Go, get married. Start a family together.'

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