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Avril Lavigne- Hello Kitty


We hadn't stayed up late in a long time. We barely watched the movie. All we did was talk and catch up. I didn't realize how much I missed her or how distant we had grown in the past months. Even before the thing with Dick. We were just getting by. 

I think I needed the sleep more than I thought. I slept like a baby. I looked over to see her dark hair all over her pillow. She's gotten even less sleep than I have so I'm not going to bother her. I brushed my teeth and put something comfortable on before walking out to the kitchen. Bruce and Tim are fusing over the thing that Ilya got hit with last night. I'm glad it was nothing. 

"Anything?" I asked. 

"This is some really advanced tech. I don't think he knew what he was making but it looks like it heals. Maybe that's why it didn't do anything to Ilya. She wasn't wounded. Reversing the effect just opens the wound back up," Tim shrugged. 

"Thank goodness," Bruce placed a coffee mug in front of Tim. "Maybe we can find a use for it," 

"I'll keep it for now. I'll let you know if I find anything new," Tim agreed. We all stopped when a little girl in an oversized t-shirt walked out from the hallway rubbing her eyes. 

"What the hell is that?" Bruce asked alarmed. 

The little girl looked up at all of us with her big beautiful blue eyes and took a step back. 

"Mommy?" she cried out. "Where's mommy?" 

"Woah, Woah sweetie. It's okay. You're okay. Where did you come from?" I asked her before she began to cry. She shied away from me puckering her lips. I've seen that look before. I went over to my room to see that Ilya is no longer in our bed. 

"Mommy," the little girl shouted when Elizabeth walked out of her room. She rushed over to her wrapping her little arms around her legs. Elizabeth froze as she looked down at the little girl with horror. "Mommy, who dat?" she pointed at me. "Scary," 

"Ilya?" I called out going into the room. I looked in the bathroom and under the covers. "Ilya?" 

"I'm Ilya," the little girl hid behind Elizabeth's legs. 

"What is happening?" Elizabeth choked out. "Bruce?" 

"It was that thing," I pointed at the gun Bruce and Tim had taken apart. "Fix her," 

"Oh, shit," Tim looked between the gun and Ilya. 

"Hi, princess. You are adorable," Dick went over to her. She shied away from him until he handed her a candy. "Who's kid?" 

"Mine," Bruce whispered. "That's Ilya," 

"Okay, funny," Dick snarked. "Seriously," 

"Seriously. That's Ilyasviel," I swallowed the dryness in my throat. 

"Oh," he looked down at her as she struggled to get the candy open. She looked up at Dick and handed him the candy. He took the wrapper off and handed it back. 

"Tanku," she smiled and put the chocolate in her mouth. "Mommy?" 

"I have to go," Elizabeth shook her head. "I can't be here for this," 

"Mommy," Ilya reached for her. Elizabeth is panicking. We all are. She's so small and adorable. 

"This is your daddy," she pointed at Bruce. 

"Daddy?" she asked tilting her head. 

"Mhm, your daddy. He's going to watch over you. Do as daddy says, okay?" 

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