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Lana Del Rey- West Coast ZHU REMIX


I had lied. I didn't necessarily leave the country and no one had contacted me to find anything. The Black Mask who fancies himself the crowned Prince of Gotham. I thought the Joker was dramatic. He wants me to work for him and I am going to make sure he thinks we're on the same page for as long as I can. I found a file, something he wants and I need to make sure he doesn't get his creepy hands on it.

My quest has brought me to Central City where I am in a bit of a pickle. I'm not the only one on the package's tail. The other player is an Amazonian warrior by the name of Artemis. I watched her beat the crap out of some dealers who claimed to have it. I stand no chance at beating this woman if she's anything like Diana and so far she's proven that she is.

"In other news, the return of the Batman has led to the explosion of a Wayne Enterprises warehouse in Downtown Gotham where he and two of his associates attempted to apprehend three notorious criminals and a large group of twenty other assailants. The unnamed crew was caught stealing a new communications device by Wayne Enterprises named the Apollo due to be presented in two weeks at the leader's summit conference by Ilyasviel Wayne. Here is some footage retrieved from surveillance," Vicky Vale reported on the massive flat-screen mounted on the wall next to the pool table.

Anger bubbled in my stomach when I watched Ilya jump on top of a moving carrier truck and lance her spear into the moving truck next to her. Damian got her out of there before the two trucks collided into one another. There is no way in hell that's Bruce under that mask. My bet is on Dick. There is a lot of property damage and Bruce isn't one to blow buildings up. I pulled out my phone and dialed for her as I headed out.

"Jay?" she answered after the second ring.

"What the hell were you thinking Ilyasviel?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"I had no choice, Jason. Bruce is still missing and I need to find him. I went out there tonight only because Damian wasn't here. They're going to take care of things while I try to get a lead on Bruce,"

"Do you need me to come home?"

"No, finish your job. We've got this. How did you find out I went out there? I thought you said you were going stealth,"

"I'm chasing something a lot of people claim to have. I'm actually in Central City,"

"Oh," she said surprised. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm not entirely sure but I'm starting to think it's dangerous. I'm not the only one who wants it," 

"What do you think it is?" 

"Some kind of weapon. A bomb or something that causes a big bang,"

"I need you to be careful. One missing bat is all I can take,"

"Shit," I said shaking my head feeling like an idiot. I probably shouldn't have left. "I'm sorry, baby. I should head back,"

"No, if someone is looking for it then you need to find it. You should look into why they want it. Find some clue to get a visual," 

"Are you sure? I can let them find it and then swipe it from under them later," 

"I am completely sure. You know I'll call when I need you,"

"Be careful, Ilyasviel. You haven't been out there in a really long time. I don't want you getting hurt. I know Bruce wouldn't want that either,"

"He's missing, Jay. All I know is if it were me, he wouldn't rest until I was home,"

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