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Amy Winehouse- You Know I'm No Good


He wouldn't let us see her. Damian had the worst fit I had ever seen him have in the history of Damian fits ever and Bruce still didn't let us see her. So, here I am waiting for him to leave. Damian and I had both pushed him about letting us see her until he told us or rather ordered us to go out on patrol. 

Tomorrow is the summit and I have a really bad feeling about all of this. Once he was gone I jumped down from where I was hiding and began to quietly make my way over to the part of the cave where he had built a glass cell that could hold Superman, no doubt it will hold her. 

"I knew you'd come," Damian whispered coming over to me. I punched in the code that opened the door and we both walked in. 

We both froze at what was in front of us. She's sitting in the middle of the cell the bed, sheets, pillows, books, and trays of food were all over the place. She had not cooperated in the slightest. In fact, it looks like she had a complete meltdown. 

Ilya turned in our direction. There had been an angry scowl on her face and it was completely replaced with desperation and tears. She crawled over to the glass that's smeared with blood from where she had struck the glass until her knuckles bled. Damian fell to his knees with the condition she's in. 

I felt like my stomach crawled into my throat seeing her hands stained in her own blood, her knuckled spit open, bloodstains on her face from where she had touched her face with her bleeding hands.

"Ilyasviel?" he whispered like he couldn't believe the girl in front of him is his sister. She nodded tears rushing down her face. 

"Jason is going to kill him," I said crouching down in front of her. 

"Help," she mouthed smacking the glass. "Please," 

"It's soundproof," Damian said looking over at me. I looked around to find the control panel. 

"Ilya?" I pressed the speaker box. 

"No," she said angrily. "She's doesn't want to see this. She's suffering. I can't bring her forward," 

"Set, what is wrong with you? Why would you do this?" Damian asked. The look of betrayal on her face hurt. 

"Listen to me. I don't care what you believe regarding myself but you must..." 

"Dick, Damian," we both turned to see Bruce walking in with water and a first aid kit in his hands. He pulled me away from the panel like he was trying to protect me from it.

"Father, what is this? What have you done?"Damian demanded, pointing at his sister who stepped away from the glass. Her eyes are fixed on Bruce with an expression I never once imagined seeing on her face. Especially not directed at Bruce.

"I had hoped you didn't have to see this. Set won't let Ilya come back. I've been trying to reason with her and she's responded aggressively. Diana will be here in a couple of days to help me with her. She's keeping the body weak. I'm sorry you two had to see this," 

"We have to call, Jay. She responds to him," I suggested, placing my hand on the glass.

"I tried. Jason is working on something very important. There's a weapon out there called the Bow of Ra. It's dangerous. It sounds urgent so I decided not to tell him. He'd stop everything before he found the weapon," 

"Bruce, this isn't right," I looked her over, shaking my head. Her eyes met mine in a panic. She rushed to the glass again shaking her head. She began to shout and bang on the glass. Damian backed away from her. 

"Father, what are we going to do?" he asked. 

"I've been trying to find a cure something to help draw Set out of Ilya's body. Diana is going to bring what she has on the legend. Ilya wouldn't like for you two to see her like this. Don't come down here again at least until I've found a way to bring Ilya back to us," 

I pushed Damian ahead of me and glanced back one more time. She kept shaking her head tears streaming down her eyes as she pleaded for me not to leave. Her fist banged on the glass repeatedly until she kicked it a couple of times. She turned around and kicked the bed that was already flipped over. 

I sat in my room for the rest of the night by myself hating that she was in there without us being able to help her. I ran what she was going to tell me again and again in my head trying to figure out why she would be doing this. How could Ilya revert to Set like this? 

I didn't sleep wondering what I could do other than pick up the phone and call my brother. I walked over to their rooms and stopped in the middle of the hall. Hades was laying in front of her door. He glanced up at me and let out a low whine. I walked over to him patting his giant head before I pushed the door open. He glanced inside like he knew she wasn't in there. I was going to shut it again when a light on the bed caught my attention. I walked over and picked up her cell phone. A message popped up. 

-Still busy? Can't wait for you to get done so you can come home.- Your Husband. 

I slid my finger across the screen to find it wasn't locked. Strange, I always thought she'd have a highly complex password to her phone. There are messages here from Jason along with Ilya's responses except they weren't hers. 

"Damian," I shouted. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my sister's room, Grayson?"

"Something's wrong," I said looking back at him. It began to ring. 

"Who is it?" 

"Kate?" I answered.

"Dick? Why do you have Ilya's phone? I've been trying to call her for days. I need her help. My sponsor just attacked me except it wasn't him. It was robotic. Like it wasn't him. I don't know what to do," 

"We're on our way," 

"Is Ilya coming with you?" 

"We'll talk when I get there. Text me where to meet you," I ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed. Damian followed me out. 

"What was that?" he asked before I got on my bike. 

"I think something is wrong with one of them. Bruce or Ilya. Kate said her sponsor attacked her. She said he was basically a robot," he nodded. "Kate just sent me an address so we can meet her," 

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