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Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Thrift Shop


I had fallen asleep before Ilya came home last night. I walked into the study to see her asleep behind Bruce's desk surrounded by paperwork and laptops. I went over to her shutting the laptops and removed the laptop she's laying on before I picked her up to take her to her room. 

"Five more minutes, Jay," she murmured in her sleep making me laugh. I set her down on her bed and covered her with the comforter before turning the lights off. Hades walked into the room before I shut the door. 

"Why were you in my sister's room?" Damian asked. 

"I put her to bed. She fell asleep in the study," I sighed rolling my eyes. I looked at Jason's door wondering where the hell he is right now. What could be more important than being here for his wife?

"Did she find anything?" 

"I don't know. I found her asleep," I answered, walking past him. "Last night she told me who the Batwoman is," 


"It's her aunt," 

"Katherine Cain?" 

"Yup," he followed me down to the kitchen without saying a word. 

"You were thinking about working with her. Father would kill us if we told that woman who he really is," 

"Damian, whoever the Heretic is he's got the criminals that aren't locked up in his pocket. All of them. We need help. I know Katherine started off sketchy but she has helped us and she was trying to help Bruce," 

"She tried to kill Ilyasviel more than once. What if she's working with the Heretic and is the reason why Father is missing?" I sighed. I had thought of that as soon as Ilya told me who she was. "We let her in and father is going to be really upset with us when he returns. Not to mention what Todd is going to do," 

"I've thought of that. If she is the one who has Bruce she'll be the only one who can lead us to him. She's bound to slip up. Also, she already knows who Bruce is if she has him," he sighed "Have you eaten anything? You were really hurt last night," 

"Pennyworth made me eat," he shrugged. "I'm going to feed Batcow and look for Alfred. I didn't see him when I came home last night," 

"He was rather difficult last night. So, was Miss Ilyasviel. She refused to go to bed," Alfred informed me once he was gone.

"You look tired Alfred," I commented as I poured coffee into a mug. 

"Miss Ilyasviel has Master Bruce's strong will," he smiled moving around the kitchen. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked down to see it was Jason. 

"Hey," I answered. 

"Ilya isn't answering her phone. Do you know where she is?" 

"Good morning to you too, Jay. She's asleep. She had a long night," he sighed. "Where are you?" 

"Um, not far. Do you need me to come back?" 

"I don't. Someone else might like I don't know. Your wife," 

"I kind of have my hands full right now," he sighed. "Is she eating at least?" 

"That's something you should be keeping track of yourself. What is more important than this?" 

"There's a weapon on the move. They're calling it the Bow of Ra. The Black Mask wants this really bad and so do a whole bunch of other ass holes on the black market. I need to get to it before whatever this is, gets into the wrong hands," I sighed feeling like an idiot. "I want to be there but this is really important. Lives are at stake here. I'm sure Bruce is going to be fine wherever he is," 

"That's not the only problem anymore. There's this new crew running with this massive guy calling himself the Heretic. He has a really bad obsession with the Batman. He knows things only we should know. I have no idea who this could be. On top of that, Katherine Cain is out," 

"Has she tried to anything on, Ilya?" 

"No, there's a new vigilante out there and it's her. Ilya wants us to work with her since she was there when Bruce went missing," 

"You get how that looks right? I love Ilya but she thinks rainbows and butterflies come out of everyone's ass. She married me will always be the perfect example of that. Katherine tried to kill her. She comes back and Bruce goes missing? Coincidence? I think not," 

"I know that. I also think that keeping her close might help us find Bruce faster if she is the reason why he's missing," he sighed. 

"Fuck. Okay, well- Shit, you're right. Okay, Bruce's mask has a built-in lie detector. Use that shit on her. If you still can't trust her, keep her at a distance. She doesn't have to know everything. I know I don't have to tell you to remind Ilya she has to be careful with Katherine. I'm going to try and wrap this up as soon as I can," he hung up. 

"Master Dick, everything alright with Master Jason?" Alfred asked. 

"Alfred, when did Jason go from disobedience to self-awareness?" 

"I believe it was the night he met, Miss Ilyasviel. It just took him a while to accept it," 

"She's falling apart, Alfred. I can see it in her eyes. She loves Bruce and it's going to kill her if we don't find him alive," 

"He's alive Master Dick. Master Bruce wouldn't leave either of you without a fight," I nodded. 

"Yes, Jay. No, I haven't eaten breakfast. I just woke up," Ilya walked in and took my coffee mug from my hands. "Dick just handed me coffee," I swear I heard him shout: YOU DON'T EVEN DRINK COFFEE, ILYASVEIL!!! "You're freaking out for no reason. She's not going to hurt me. I'm- listen to me, Jason. No... Fine! Okay, I'll let Dick take lead on this. Are you happy? I am going to have breakfast right now and I'm going to try and find a way to get the Apollo project out of the Summit. I'll leave the rest up to Richard and Damian," 

"I can't imagine this argument in person," I sighed, looking over at Alfred who was making her breakfast. 

"Yes, Jason. Are you finished now? Don't rush it. That's just as important. I don't want you to miss something because of this. Tell your new friend I said hi. Yes, I'm okay with it. I trust you. I'm not going to contact Diana about her. I love you, too. Get back to work," she finally hung up. 

"New friend?" I asked sitting across from her. 

"Shut up, I'm calling Diana," she groaned without looking up at me. She got up and walked out. 

"That went well," Alfred sneered sarcastically placing two plates on the island in front of me. He went back to the stove and brought back another one. "I'll get Master Damian," 

"You get the easy one," I shook my head, getting up. "It's like having a female version of Bruce when she's cranky," 

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