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Deorro ft. Lesly Roy- Tell Me Lies


"Why did you turn off the trackers?" Jason asked. 

"You know I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't important, Jay. I'll be home in a bit. I have to pack up a few things before I go," 

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you here," he sighed and hung up. 

I turned back to see Diana and Bruce arguing. Dick looked back at me and shrugged. I stuffed my phone in my purse feeling frustrated as hell. After all, I've had to endure with Waller this shit is still coming back to bite me in the ass and it's taking those I love with it and Bruce is completely okay with it. 

"You would have done this yourself," I jumped when Set appeared in front of me. "Why are you so reluctant to accept this when you would have died a million times over if it meant keeping your mother safe?" 

"You forget that she did die. I failed. I was too weak and stupid to protect her. I don't ever want to feel that again," 

"Her death was not because you were incompetent. It was an accident. This boy is a warrior. A soldier that knows what it means to make sacrifices to save not just the ones he loves but everyone everywhere. You wanted to do that once. You want to help the world. I know this because I wouldn't be here if you didn't," 

"What about everyone we have to lie to?" 

"Ilyasveil, you're lying to yourself every day. Every time you wake up and put on your fancy clothes and go to work, we both know it's a lie. Every time you see something going wrong and you fight that angry feeling in your chest that makes your heart beat erratically because you stop yourself from doing something about it. You're a liar. You lie to protect those you love and they lie to yourself for the same reason. Stop fighting who you are and help your brother. You're angry because they found someone as good as you to do what you've been avoiding," 

"So just get up and go?" I asked. "Just do this because I need it more than anything else?" 

"He'll understand. Your male is not going to stop loving you because of this. He knows exactly who he married just as you know the man you married," 

I just nodded. When I looked up everyone was watching me probably wondering why the hell I was talking to myself. I sighed looking at her the two of us began to laugh because they're right. I look insane. I've always looked insane when I talked to her openly like this. I made my way back over to them. Dick reached for me and I took his hand. 

"What was that?" Dick asked.

"Okay, you're right. I'd do this even if I was given a choice. I just don't like that you're going to be the one going out there. I feel better in knowing we're going to be working on this together," he smiled nodding. 

"Let's see what we're working with?" he offered. 

"I'll catch up," I said looking at Bruce. He nodded going into the JLbuilding with Hal and Diana. 

"You don't have to apologize," Bruce said once we were alone. 

"I wasn't going to," I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. "Just because I understand, it doesn't mean you're right. You need to understand that you are our father. That should come first. You act as if we are expendable to you," 

"You're not expendable to me. None of you are. I know who all of you are. I know that no matter how far you go you'll always come back. You're right. I am your father and I know exactly who all of you are. All six of you. You're a little more difficult to decipher out of all of you because you're as good at hiding things as I am. You put others before yourself and I couldn't be more proud. This is important to all of us," 

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