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The Neighbourhood- Daddy Issues 


"Bitch," she shouted sitting up on the bed. I jumped at the sudden outburst. Ilya looked around disoriented before her eyes landed on me. "Dick," 

"Flashback?" I asked going over to her. "What was it this time?" 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I barely believe it myself," she said shaking her head. She reached for her necklace to find it gone and then her earrings. 

"They took everything, probably before you were in the car," I shrugged handing her a bottled water. 

"Where are we?" she asked taking a drink. 

"Spyral, not sure where. I was in Headquarters before they tranqed me,"

"Are you in here to convince me to work for Spyral?" 

I shook my head. "No, I refused orders," 

She looked over at me expectantly. "Why?" 

"They want me to go deep undercover and play dead. I have to be dead to the world if I'm going to continue in this," 

"What am I here for?" she asked standing up. 

"To convince him to do what is required of him," we both looked up to see Hunter walk in with his stupid tablet in hand.

"You work for Spyral now?" she asked without meeting his gaze. I had never seen her look more like Bruce's daughter than in this moment. He'd be proud. 

"He runs Spyral," I informed her, sitting back. She made a little snort noise in the back of her throat which served to piss Hunter off. Not that the guy is ever in another mood.

"Someone had to take lead when you abandoned everyone," he glared at her. 

"And they went with you?" she laughed. "If he doesn't want to do it he doesn't have to," 

"You and I both know that's not how this works," he said looking at me. "For now, we need you two together. You know better than to get involved in anything the Lane sisters are both involved in," 

"Yeah," she sighed pushing off the wall. 

"Let's go. I have real intel for you regarding Rose," 

"Is Rose working for you?" she asked motioning me to follow her. He opened the glass and let us out.

"We tried but she's as bad as Slade. They don't play well with others. I told the high ups it wasn't going to work but like Amanda, they made it into an official order and we failed to give them what they wanted," 

"As usual," she smirked looking at me.

"I gave A.R.G.U.S. you," 

"After how many tries?" she snarked. "That was before training," 

"You two have a history?" I asked feeling excluded. 

"He wishes," she said rolling her eyes. 

"It's not my fault you preferred chicks over dicks," 

"No, I'm just not attracted to useless idiots like you," 

"But Todd is so much better?" he asked turning back to look at her. 

"Hey," I said shoving him. "Back off, man. Learn your place," 

He turned around without saying a word. I looked down at her who just sighed and followed behind him. Jason is going to play soccer with this guy's head if they ever meet. My poor brother has no self-control when it comes to Ilyasviel and she loves it when he gets possessive. She's perfect for him which is unfortunate for those who lay eyes on her. 

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