Thirty One

25 3 2

Sigrid- Everybody Knows


She texted me to meet her at our house. Dona came along with me and Alfred. There's a truck parked behind Dick's Jeep. None of us had the heart to move it or get rid of it. It just belongs there now. Ilya is sitting at the doorsteps of our house. I got out rushing over to her side. She put her hands out stopping me from wrapping my arms around her. 

"You're going to be pissed," 

"Baby, you were-" 

"Stop," she said cutting me off. "No one else can know. No one. Do you understand?" 

"What?" I asked. 

"We're going down into the basement and you'll see. We had to do this. There was no other way," 

I looked over at Alfred and Donna. Alfred looks like he knows what she's talking about and Donna is just watching us both. Ilya gave Donna a pointed look. Donna nodded placing her hand over her chest like she's swearing to take whatever is going to happen next to the grave. 

We all walked into the house. Everything looks the way I had left it. Ilya put her index finger to her lips pointing at the living room where Artemis and Biz are. We all walked down into the basement and got into her secret elevator. 

As soon as the door open, everything around me stopped. Rose, Elizabeth, and Dick are standing there waiting for us to walk out of the elevator. Ilya didn't meet my gaze when I looked over at her. I stepped out walking towards them in disbelief. 

"What the fuck is this?" I asked. 

"Elizabeth is from a different Earth. Dick and Rose never died. I did it to protect them," Ilya answered. 

"You let her lie to me?" I asked looking up at Dick. "You made Ilyasveil lie to me?" 

"I did," he said without taking his eyes off me. I pulled back. My fist smacked against his cheek sending him crashing the floor. No one said a word as I stalked over to him. Elizabeth stepped in front of me putting her hand up blocking me from getting to him. 

"That's enough," she said softly. 

The sound of her voice brought back the memory of the night I had met her. How she had tried to apologize on behalf of Ilya after she had called me an ass hole. I turned back to look at Ilya. She didn't look away from me this time. She met my challenge head on and it just serves to make all that much angrier. 

"I don't know what to say to you," I said looking away. The tears came and I hate that she's the cause of them. "You played your part so well. Let me guess, Bruce put you all up to it?" 

"Does it matter?" she asked. I scoffed. 

"I guess not," 

"Jason, this has nothing to do with you personally," she said without stepping closer or reaching for me. "This is something we have to do. It goes beyond what I want. What you want. What Dick wants," 

"For the greater good," I laughed. "That's cute. You really are Bruce's daughter. You're like a little mini version of him wrapped in all that beauty you get from your mother. We're leaving," 


"Yeah. Biz, Artemis, and I. This your house. Bruce bought it for you. There is no room here for all of us," 

"Jason, think about what your doing," Dick finally spoke up. 

"Did you think about what you were doing when you did this?" I asked turning to look back at him. 

"I haven't stopped," he answered. 

"Maybe the next time you have my girl lie to me, you should take responsibility for what you've done," 

"We're both at fault," Ilya added defending him. I turned my gaze to her. 

"Let me know when you're done playing spy, Ilyasveil. When you're done with all your lies," 

"I told you this was going to happen," she sighed. I nodded going for the elevator. "I need your help," 

"You have Dick, Rose, and now Donna here. Have them help you. I have shit to do," I said looking at her. "Good luck with all of this," 

"You're really going to walk out of here like this?" she asked stepping to me. 

"Yes," I shouted making her jump back. "I'm walking out like this because of you. I came here thinking that you were in danger. That something fucked up was happening to you. It is. I get that," I said pointing at Elizabeth from a different Earth. "But you are not a damsel are you? You don't need to be protected. If anything people need to be protected from you," 

"Jason," Dick called out my name. 

"I should have listened to her," I shook my head. She took a deep breath like she knows what I'm talking about. 

"You should have," she answered. "But it's too late for that now. Ankou brought us together for a reason," 

"You've seen her," my heart began to pound in my chest. 

"I died just like you did. Death greeted me the same way she greeted you. It's fine. Go, I'm not sorry for what I did. You don't need an apology from me or from Dick. I told you-" 

"That you were going to lie to me," I finished for her. "You should have continued lying to me. I get it now. Why everyone was always so mad at me. It feels like shit. I'll see you around Ilyasveil," 

No one stopped me from leaving. I packed some of my things up and some of Bizzarro's. Artemis helped me with all of it. I took Dick's Jeep. He's not going to be needing it anyway. I have to find us a safe house. We ended up in a trailer park. I rented one and let Artemis and Biz know this is where we're going to be staying for a little while until I get my head together. We have things to do, and this isn't going to get in the way of that. My phone began to ring and I thought about ignoring it but I answered anyway. 



"Bruce?" I asked looking back to see Artemis standing behind me. 

"Jason, Lois is dead. The Joker blew up half of Metropolis. Clark is missing," 

"Fuck," I whispered looking down at my boots. 

"Meet me at the manor. I'll get Ilya," 

"Bruce, what aren't you telling me?" he sighed. 

"He killed him. Clark killed the Joker, Jason," he sighed. The line went dead. He's dead. After all this time, after everything. That son of a bitch is finally dead and I wasn't the one who killed him. 

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