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Khalid- Reasons 


Diana didn't let me out of her sight. For the time being, everyone thinks it's a good idea that I go with her to figure out what I'm going to do about Set. Not that I know much about what is happening. If Set knows what the hell is going on, she's not sharing. So, here I am in Bruce's private airplane with Diana headed to Texas, where Set told Jason where to find the Kronos' Scythe. 

"You seem nervous," Diana said after a couple of hours. 

"I am. I have no idea what we're getting into. I'm sorry for dragging you out on something like this," I glanced at her. She smiled. 

"It is not a drag for me. You are the daughter of a very dear friend of mine. I hope you don't mind I have invited a friend of mine to join us. She is from my home," I don't remember that life. Set hasn't let me see it yet. I sat up interested. 

"From Themyscira?" I asked. She nodded. 

"She is a sister of sorts. Her name is Donna," I sat back smiling at the name. Donna, it's such a human name. 

"Is she going to be meeting us?" 

"Yes, she is in Dallas for a music festival. She enjoys many forms of it," 

"That's cool. I'm glad you have someone like you. It must be a relief to be yourself with someone who understands,"  

"Yes, we are a bit similar. I do feel good about her being close," she nodded. 

"What about Artemis? I know you told me that her clan and yours weren't exactly on good terms," 

"Artemis has her own agenda. She likes looking for trouble. It's why they broke away from us. They are attracted to danger in a way that we were not. We play it safe," 

"Diana, you ran away from home because it was where your heart led you. Maybe she knows exactly what that is like. If you want to point out her aggressiveness, the thrill-seeking, and the fact that she's out there fighting. You might want to take a look in the mirror. You're no different. I mean why else would you be friends with my dad?"

"Your father is troublesome," she smiled shaking her head fondly. 

"Yeah," I agreed. 

"You are still upset with him about Dick?" 

"Not really. I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at myself. It was so easy to lie to everyone. We were acting as if it were really happening. We led them to believe it really happened. I looked my brother and my husband dead in the eyes and told them their brother is dead. I mean yeah, we're doing this for something good. I just don't see how this makes us the good guys. We're no better than the lying ass holes we put in cells," 

"The difference is that it eats you up inside," she said looking up at me. "You regret it. You wish you didn't have to do it and they don't. They'd keep doing it just because they enjoy it. You don't look like you are enjoying yourself," 

I ran what she said over and over in my head. We landed and instantly were escorted to a waiting Limo. Bruce set us up in one of his hotels. As soon as we stepped out of the Limo I was surrounded by paparazzi asking me questions about Dick and projects I had been working on that are now on hold. Diana pushed me past them and into the lobby. 

I was taken back by the similarity that this woman had to Diana. They're both tall and graceful looking. Beautiful and voluptuous. Very powerful looking. Holy shit there are two of them. Diana greeted her with a very intimate hug before the two of them turned to look at me. 

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