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The Weeknd- Die For You

Ilya can count to six thousand five hundred. You want to know how I know that? The entire trip from the penthouse to the lighthouse she counted. I'm sure she can continue but Damian decided that six thousand five hundred was the number when he finally snapped and told her to shut the hell up in Arabic. She knows Arabic, it's one of the third languages she was exposed to her with her nannies.

Now, I'm in charge of making sure she doesn't scream the way she did. One second there was a door next to Damian and the next there wasn't. She learned to aim her cry instead of just releasing it shattering all the windows at once and Damian was sent to the back of the SUV. 

"Maybe we should hand her over. It would be his problem," Damian murmured. 

"You're just mad she nearly killed you without kicking your ass first," Tim scoffed. 

"Ass," Ilya laughed. 

"Hey," everyone in the car scolded him. I don't care what age she is it's always funny when she curses knowing damn well no one is going to get her in trouble for it. 

"She's not three. She's twenty-seven. Ass is not going to matter in a couple of days," Tim scoffed. 

"Yeah, but we don't want tiny Ilya saying ass all over the place," Dick pressed. 

"Ass," Ilya repeated. 

"Stop saying it," Bruce groaned. 

"Okay, daddy," Ilya cleared her throat. "Jazon?" 

"Hmm?" I looked over at her. She's done that before. She also puts her little hand over her mouth sometimes. 

"Juice?" she yawned. Dick handed me a sippy cup. 

"How about water?" he asked. 

"Okay, but juice be better," she took it from me and rolled her eyes as she began to drink it. 

"Tyrant," I laughed. 

"Me?" she giggled knowing that I definitely mean her and what tyrant means.

"Who else?" I asked. 

"Daddy, too," she pointed out. We both laughed. I looked around the car to see them all glaring at me. 

"What? She's funny. Like Tim said. It's not going to matter in a couple of days anyway," I shrugged. "Then she can go back to telling us what to do in the name of science. Not just baby stuff," 

"Daddy?" Ilya called out. 

"Yes, Ilya?" Bruce answered. 

"Music, please," 

"No," he dismissed her. I looked over at her to see her eyes on him through the rearview mirror. I've seen her give a lot of people the stink eye as a grown-up but FML this is the cutest thing ever.  I thought she was going to drop it but she did the one thing adult Ilya has never done. 

"My daddy plays music," she mumbled loud enough for Bruce to hear. We all gasped. Bruce was silent for a moment. 

"You mean Lex?" he asked her. I can see his anger through the mirror. It bothers him that she knows that she can do that to get her way. This kid is a tiny evil genius. 

"Mhm," she crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the open door where Tim is now sitting. "He plays Moonlight for me," 

"Do you mean Moonlight Sonata?" Bruce asked. 

"Yep," is she being sassy? 

"We can't listen to that anymore,"

"Why not?" she asked challenged. 

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