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Said The Whale- I Love You


I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone into his room to get Hades out from under his bed. Damian's graduation is a week after the summit and he had told no one. Since I convinced him into taking the placement exam, we've gotten closer. He'll call me for a game of spar studying, where'd we train together while I helped him study whatever he wanted. I sat on the bed and waited for him to come up which didn't take long.

"Ilya, what are you doing in my bedroom?" I held up the small box of invitations and patted the bed next to me. He sighed taking a seat. 

"Were you going to tell us?" 

"I wasn't going to attend," 

"D, this is kind of big," I stated, handing them to him. 

"Finding father is our priority at the moment. This is childish," he disagreed, getting up and placing them on the vanity.

"It's not childish. Dick back me up," he pushed the door open looking at Damian before he looked at me. He had been in his room down the hall.

"We're gonna find Bruce, Damian, and he's going to be there. We all are. This is a really big deal and a really big accomplishment.  A cause for a celebration," he agreed sitting on the other side of him.

"It's not a big deal. It was to be expected," Damian shrugged looking over at me. "I scored the same as you. Why not share the same accomplishments?" 

"Exactly, and I was heavily rewarded for it because it was a really big deal," I countered standing up. I had been a little nervous about his score. I didn't know I could be this competitive and it was a relief when we matched. "This is the biggest deal. We've stayed up studying and practicing to get here. I have the scars to prove it. We've put a lot of effort into this and if you think there would be no reward at the end of it you're mistaken," 

"The reward at the end of this will be you acknowledging that I am smarter than you. So please, spare me the social gathering you plan on imposing on me," he groaned, pushing Dick off his bed. "Now, get out," 

"Whatever you have under your bed, clean it out. Hades crawls under there and then doesn't want to get out," he looked away suspiciously.

"What are you hiding?" Dick asked dropping to the floor. He tossed back the comforter and reached under the bed. He glanced back at me with a smirk before he pulled a box out. Inside are four sleeping puppies no older than a couple of weeks.

"Oh, my god," I laughed kneeling down to pet one. "Are you kidding me, D? How long have you had these?" 

"Please, don't make me get rid of them. They aren't old enough to be out on their own, re-homed, or outside. Father had me gather some information two weeks ago and I found them. Their mother died during labor," he explained. 

"Damian, you've been taking care of them for two weeks?" Dick asked and he nodded. "Without Bruce knowing?" 

"Of course not, he would have made me get rid of them," I laughed looking at Dick who was in awe with the little pups. 

"What about your trip?" 

"I took them with me," we both laughed. 

"That is seriously impressive. I was never able to hide anything from my mom," I shrugged.

"So, I can keep them?" 

"You can keep them until they old enough to be rehomed. Don't you dare name them," Dick warned, getting up.

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